My name is Alex. People describe me as being batshit crazy and hilarious, and I guess there's some truth in that. I am pretty mellow and supposedly easy to talk to, per se, despite the fact that I make horrible jokes and unscrupulous amounts of innuendo. The allusions and references I make on a daily basis are only usually construed as obscure by most people. As you spend time with me, they become much more apparent though. I am somewhat of a grammar nazi, although I incorrectly use ellipses all the time whenever I type things. I spend far too much time online, and it has made me cynical yet spontaneous. My mind works differently than most people's, so I end up saying a lot of random nonsense or making weird noises whenever it's quiet. All that being said, I like to think of myself as a gentleman and a scholar. More to come in the future...possibly...