"'Five Year Holiday' has been two years in production and sounds polished, professional and extremely catchy to boot. Its jangling guitars and skillful vocal harmonies give the album a kind of back door charm, the sort of tunes that sneak up on you and take root in your brain until by the end of the song you find yourself singing away quite happily. The bands emotional range stretches far and wide, from the aching longing of previous single 'Cruel Summer' to the tough head shaking rock of 'The Gift'.
9/10 Thea
outlineonline.co.uk" This is the much anticipated debut single release from Norwich based indie popsters, The Unremarkables, delivers it all. Cruel Summer is a well rounded offering that almost everyone can relate to. It's a Ronseal song 'does exactly what it says on the tin'. Great lyrics backed up by some excellent harmonies, throw in a few guitar bursts, a catchy chorus that's sticks in your mind, and hey presto you hum it all day. Back Stabbing is the next track, I like the guitars coz they turned up the fuzzbox, but that's just me. All in all it will have you playing your air guitar round the kitchen, the lyrics are about bitchin' about your mates which we can all relate to. The Unremarkables have a busy year ahead of them with a full UK tour at the end of 2006, as well as putting the finishing touches to their debut album which is due for release in early 2007."10/10 Biker
www.outlineonline.co.uk"Time to head up north to Norwich for today's band, The Unremarkables. A good new wave, indie pop band it is nice to hear some uplifting English indie, instead of the dreary indie that keeps coming out of England. Not that i'm dissing this indie because I listen to it quite a bit but there is only a certain amount of Editors or The Smiths I can listen too before feeling a bit drained. I love those two bands before anybody disses me for it. The Unremarkables definitely have a Manic Street Preachers vibe to them and they probably would have been massive during the britpop era. Here's hoping The Unremarkables can bring a britpop revival to this country, because it made the 90's bearable even though I was a wee nipper. The decade was overrun by manufactured pop and the noughties are also going that way but more along the line of crappy hip-hop singers like Rihanna. I predict big things for this band for the future and hopefully NME can pull their fingers out, to stop promoting wee-mo bands like My Chemical Romance and discovering decent music like The Unremarkables."
Lucas - musicftw"When you think about something that is unremarkable, something ordinary, everyday and average springs to mind. Something or someone pretty common place that weve all seen or heard before. What an exciting contradiction the band The Unremarkables actually are.I would hesitate to label this extraordinary band who took us on an emotional journey during their (what seemed far too short) brilliant set, but think punchy guitar pop and you wont be disappointed.One of the highlights for me was the beautiful ballad Star Dust during which the lead vocalist, James Oakley, expressed real emotion and feeling through the music, as all true musicians do, which was followed by a wicked drum solo by David Gorman leading into an amazing, almost punk rock style track at the other end of the spectrum completely called The Gift. Wow is all I can say! You have got to see this band to believe the truly outstanding musical experience.Their debut single Cruel Summer is another one of my favourites and was given four out of five in an EDP review. I think youve probably guessed (from me raving on) that I wouldve awarded top marks. If you enjoy live music and you havent heard this band play, you have truly missed out so far, but one thing is for certain, there is much more to come.
Their debut single Cruel Summer, which also includes Back Stabbing and the superb ballad, Beautiful Mistake, is on sale now."Lolly-Lopez www.dontstayin.com