~*U Neva Metta Chick Like Vetta*~ profile picture

~*U Neva Metta Chick Like Vetta*~

This Ya Gurl Vetta and her man Retta

About Me

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flash glitter factory at revolutionmyspace.comLibraThe scales(septembr 23 - October 22)element:Air Quailty:CardinalKeyword:balancePlanetary Ruler:VenusRulers:Lower bacc and the diaphram; natural ruler of the seventh house.Compatibility:Librans are so sociable they can get along with just about anyone.They are most compatiable with other air signs.Leo and sagittarius...sagittariusThe archer(November 22 - December 21)element:Fire Quality:MutableKeyword:Idealism,FreedomPlanetary Planet:JupiterRuler:Hips,Thighs,Liver,and Hepatic system; natural ruler of the Ninth House.sagittarius are so sociable they can get along with just about anyone.They are most compatiable with other air signs.Leo and Librans...

My Interests

flash glitter factory at revolutionmyspace.comI like hangin wit my friends, goin to the mall and the movies Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Click here to make Falling Objects Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta Marvetta & Baretta

I'd like to meet:

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Cherish - Unappreciated
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Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


tennaya layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Blog

Hubby Application

 Hubby Application If you're a guy, title this "wifey application" and if you're a girl title it "hubby application". Repost this and see who's eligible to be your special someone. Have fun!Fill...
Posted by ~MY LIP GLOSS BE POPPIN~ on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 05:23:00 PST