A liL' ThoUghT.....Having Class Is Not Obtained By those Who Seeks It. Those Who Purchase Expensive Materials Such As Brand-named Clothings Or Jewelries Just To Prove that They Well deserved The title Of Class. That Does Not define Class My Dear Friends. Having Class Can Not Be Made Or Even Bought But will be Known only By those Who Was Born and Gifted with The True Meaning Of Class. To Really live With Class, or Identify Those respected with Class are Only Determined by The Lifestyle Of your Fate. Class is Determined by the Eyes of God, in which, His decision of that Given Gift is made and given to. It can not Be determined By You nor Your lavish Items. You will See Many of those that Claims Class BuT The Ones with True Class Given by God Will Shine beyond Unimaginable.......thought processed by muah.....this is "thE" riDe!! i'lL shOw y'ALL soMe reAl Picz LatA, yAh YaH!oKAy OKay, SO u sEE just thE Gas Lid N my DooR HanDle...I'll uPdate somE oTher TimE! lol!NumBeR .1. tHinG Tat' I lOvE 2 Do ~ goTta LovE SpoRtz, shoooott U Name IT!! FeMaleZ dOn't ThiNk aBouT chaLLengIn' mE iN SocCer, YoU SeE dem' LEgZ,, tRust, I haVe brUiZed&BroKen Up PleNtY!!! ~ oh, But i'M a NICE gIrL, JuS dOn't bE my CompeTitOr...Cuz i PlaY a LiL' toO sErioUsLy!
MY First Dog Again, DRO...baby, I know that whereever you are,,You're Mama n DaDa will always miss you....
***** NEW YEAR's 2006! ***** us getting ready to party!OUR 4TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY 423 BABY!
TravelinG the World!!! HeRe's Me In ScotLand NOV 2004!!! FyI: tHe ScottIsh dRiveS OnthE wrOng sidE of the RoaD---****SiciLiaN MonUmenTs 2004!!!BEAUTIFUL NORWAY IN SEPTEMBER 2006!!I should become a photographer, I'm pretty good! LOL!