Lauren Sanchez the news lady.
Hip Hop;Rap & mostly any kool beats with x-tra BASS init. Fuck country thats just noise makes my ears bleed That shit gives me an itch in tha brain that I cant ,wont,and ever be able to Scratch! Ive recently been exposed to the music industry & learning quite a bit about it, and how to make my own beats. My friends form "MISOL"are a crew of Rappers, that can flow, serving and developing their own down to earth hip hop w/o all the fucking cus words. "Oopps" Those fools are the ones reasponsible for the exposure.
I used movies for book reports, so I have not seen a flick in while other than those safety videos we have to wacth @ work,you know @ "THE CLINIC"
Just to wacth the news,you know so I can keep up to date with Miss. Lauren Sanchez
Im not gona lie, I have NEVER read an entire book. I should cuz a rap artist once said "dont be so fuckin stupid and uneducated JUST READ BICTH,JUST READ".
My Father & my Granfather on my mama side