Strong drinks with good friends, changing my mind, getting around to finishing things, discovering amazing songs, and not noticing I can't carry a tune
The famous people I'd like to meet are already dead, so I'll rule those out. In general, people that make me laugh hysterically, that don't have severe anger problems, that can roll with the punches, and that will argue back with me (intelligently!).
And I've already got the guy....
this has nothing to do with movies...
I hate: liars, being interrupted, being woken up when I don't have anything to do that day, trashy girls with orange glow tans and inch thick eyeliner, being lied to, people that act self-righteous, close-minded people, seeing my friends cry, not being able to find a good song to fit the situation, being wrong (this rarely happens..haha), the grammatically challenged, and dishes that don't get rinsed off.
On the other hand, I love being able to go out in a t-shirt and flip flops, ponytails, being lazy while being analytical with Brittany, laughing so hard I can't breathe and my eyes tear up, new shoes, cuddling, being "dark and twisty" with Carmen and analyzing everything to death, movies and people that make me think, how excited my dog gets when I come home, sleeping past noon, tequila shots with Steph, winning a game of pool, cold sheets, pedicures, and chicken sandwiches.
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