Lyrics of the week!
....I'm really into this song from Nickelback. Just a great groove and an awesome drum/base line.
Burn It To The Ground
Well, it's midnight, damn right, we're wound up too tight
I've got a fist full of whiskey, the bottle just bit me
Oh, that shit makes me bat shit crazy
We've got no fear, no doubt, all in balls out
We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight
We're screaming like demons, swinging from the ceiling
I got a fist full of fifties, tequila just hit me
Oh, we got no class, no taste, no shirt, and shit faced
We got it lined up, shot down, firing back straight crown
We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight
Ticking like a time bomb, drinking till the night's gone
Well, get you hands off of this glass, last call my ass
Well, no chain, no lock, and this train won't stop
We got no friend, no doubt, all in balls out
We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight
We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight
Adam --
A perma-orgasm
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.com
You Are The Lovers
You represent ideal love: innocence, trust, exhilaration and joy.
You demonstrate the harmony of opposites, two sides coming together.
At times, you also represent the struggle between what is right and what is tempting.
Control is an issue for you, especially when you don't know your reasons for choosing something.
Your fortune:
You have an important choice you need to make about love, and it will be a difficult choice to make.
You are likely struggling between the love you crave and the love that is right.
In the end, you will choose what you crave, even if it's bad for you.
Because without what you crave, you will feel empty and incomplete. What Tarot Card Are You?.. ..<mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src='' ..enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" style='display:none' ..AUTOSTART='True'