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My Interests

Name? Derrick a*k*a* D-Will
Hair? black
Eyes? brown
Height? 6'1"
Hometown? Lafatette County, Mississippi
Birthplace? Oxford, Mississippi
Sign? Sagittarius
Left/Right handed? right
Heritage? black
Favorite Season? football season
Favorite Color? Blue
Favorite Cd? ne rap cd
Favorite Movie? don't have one
Favorite day of the week? game day
Favorite number? 64
Favorite animals? Black Panther
What pets do you have? 4 dogs
Favorite car? 2005 Dodge Viper, n a 2000 Yukon Denali
Favorite Sport? Football
What did you wear today? some hoopin shorts n a tall tee
Favorite Food? Hamburgers
Do you smoke? no
Do you drink? sometimes
Do you do drugs? hell no
Do you like your life? of course
Favorite fast food? McDonalds
What did you eat today? some mexican food
How many piercings do you have? one
How many tatoos do you have? none yet
What is your weakness? girls
What is your greatest fear? gay guys
Where would you most like to travel to? the bahamas
Favorite band/artist? DSR n Slim Thugg
Do you like indoors or outdoors better? outdoors
What is your favorite pastime? playin NCAA '06
Favorite holiday? Thanks Giving, its around my b-day
Most missed memory? living n Mississippi
Biggest Regret? not playin football my junior year
Ever been in love? yea, but i don't wanna talk bout it
Someone you love? my dad, n my grandad
Something you hate? the color red
Do you think you are attractive? 2 some people
Do you believe in yourself? hell yea
What do you wish you could change about yourself? my weight, but just a little
Favorite junk food? ice cream
Favorite t.v. show? don't have one
Most important quality in a friend? responsible
Most important quality in a boy/girl friend? reliable
Do you cry when you watch a sad movie? naw, dats fa females
Do you shower everyday? hell yea
Do you get along with your parents? wit my dad
Do you go to school and/or have a job? yea, n don't want a job
Are you online for more than 2 hours a day? yep
Sox or Yankees? yankees always
Coke or pepsi? niether, no soda's but sprite
coffee or tea? tea
Night or day? night
Raine or shine? shine
Sugar or Salt? sugar
beer or alcohol? alcohol, beer is nasty
cat or dog? dog all da way
make love or fuck? it depends on who it's wit
chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
ideal job? Pro. Fottball player
favorite ice cream? Penut Butter cup
favorite video game? NCAA '06 on PS2
favorite website? www.urbanchat.com
What one thing do you want the most? 2 make it 2 da pro's
Do you have siblings? 1 little sister
Do you sing? i try
Do you dance? not really
Ideal Boy or Girl
hair color? doesn't matter
eye color? ne color
height? 5'5" n taller
weight? 160 n smaller
style? doesn't matter
what first attracts you to a person? there eyes, than body n so on
are looks the most important quality? no, but they help
do you like men and women? hell naw only girls
what about if you were drunk? hell no, i'm not dat stupid i can tell da difference
would you prefer the person to be rich? naw, i got dat taken care of
do you want someone older or younger than you? doesn't matter
What personality trait is most important? outgoing
Final Questions
What is your screen name? lamboracer08 don't ask y
Do you like meeting new people? yea
What is your best quality? i'm a nice person


My Blog

Sweet Talker

***Your Seduction Style: Sweet Talker*** Your seduction technique can be summed up with "charm"You know that if you have the chance to talk to someone...Well, you won't be talking for long! ;-) You're...
Posted by D-Will on Sat, 20 May 2006 08:52:00 PST