Initially Andy intended to make a solo album with various singers, and invited Snowy to write the lyrics and of course play the drums. Snowy brought bassist friend Sharlee to the ranks.
When unknown singer Yonaz was discovered singing with a Judas Priest cover band at a biker club and tried out on a couple of Andy's heavier tracks, Snowy suggested the four of them should form a new strict sounding metallic band instead. So illwill was born in the beginning of 1994. When Snowy brought his songs the music turned way heavier and the direction started to take shape, although it meant some of Andy's songs had to go. The unit worked long and hard on doing pre-productions and trying out material. Andy moved his smaller demo studio to a new location and started his own professional recording studio Los Angered Recordings. Illwill was the first recording ever done there in 1995. Snowy in particular had great big plans and a thousand original ideas for the band, but most of it was disapproved by one or two of the others members and therefor never saw the light of day. To Snowy's great dismay many of those image and stageshow ideas etc was later realized by Rammstein and Marilyn Manson, among others.Several labels showed great interest in the all-star band to begin with, but eventually to make a long story short the debut album Evilution was released through King Diamond/Mercyful Fate manager's own new started label Diamond Records in 1998.
By that time, the band had been put on ice and about the same time Snowy released his first album with his own theatrical shock metal act Notre Dame,
Sharlee was kept busy touring with MF, Dismember or something, Andy was establishing himself as a producer/ sound engineer in his studio besides playing with King Diamond, and Yonaz,...? He vanished from the face of the earth! So the bands history ends right here..
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