The things I like, in no particular order are:piano, snowboarding, reading, flying planes, music, fasion, kickin' it, lava lamps, strawberries, super heros, making friends, posters, cheeseburgers, olive garden, pillows, people, the rodeo, puddle jumping, hugs, bon fires, camping, off-roading, thrift shops, cell phones, pictures, photography, good movies, icecream, massages, a good nights sleep, fishing, rainbows, rain, coolaid, laughing, winks, driving, road trips, christmas lights, 3 day weekends, chillin' in pullman, other states, days off, snow, snow ball fights, riding bikes, going for a walk, dressing up just 'cuz, worshiping at church, mom's cookin', seattle, and more! :)
well, probubly you but we'll see
yah music! yah!
star wars,boondock saints, ghost busters, napoleon dynamite, back to the future, grease, guys and dolls, bugs life, white christmas, eternal sunshine, ... and the list goes on
the oc.... whatever my folks are watching..and ofcourse.. CABLE when i'm in pullman... yess
i am currently reading basic aircraft fundamentals... i don't have time for anything else. i like to read all kinds of books.... especially the kind of books that are so well written that they don't need pictures because the words paint out everything so well....
my whole family... every single one is outstanding... from my immediate family to my adopted family... i'm very proud of each of them and admire them...