Lace profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am most happy when I realize how retarded everything is. And right now, things are real retarded. I sort of live by what is above what you're reading this second. "...real retarded...", I typed in last year. Tomorrow, I end my fourth semester of college, so now I stop to evaluate what I have done with myself. Uprooted and insecure...eager and passive...motivated...tired...thrilled and giddy....Real, real retarded.:) But I'm not sweating.

Lace Jumping!!!!!


This is Lace...jumping!!!!!


My Interests

I write, I draw, and I play a few instruments. These things keep me from diverting my attention to something stupid like drugs or sports

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I've been mistaken for a metal-head my whole life, but I guess I can see how the black clothing and the fucked up, careless hair could lead someone to that. I pretty much fancy sort of an folky, indie, acousticy sort of genre. I, myself, think that I have a pretty odd style in my own work. It's not good, it's just odd.Bright Eyes, Nickel Creek, Angie Aparo, Rilo Kiley, Delina, Halcyon, Nick Drake, Tracy Chapman, Catie Curtis, Melissa Ferrick, Ani Defranco, Sufjan Stevens


The Orphanage
12 and Holding
The Dog Problem
Pan's Labryth
Road Trip
The Hills Have Eyes
40-year-old Virgin
Knocked Up
The Serpent and the Rainbow
The People Under the Stairs

What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love
The Devil's Backbone


My absolute FAVORITE show is and forever will be Roseanne
Top Chef
South Park
Family Guy
Trading Spouses
Grounded for Life
Lil' Bush
Sex and the City
The Twilight Zone
Still Standing
Army Wives, no seriously. I can't believe I saw every episode. But as soon as it went republican on me, I swore I would stop watching.
The L-word, and I hate to be a lesbian cliche, but it is great to see a show that I can identify with.


I don't read much, so for a while every book that I read is my favorite. Right now, my favorite book is Catcher in the Rye. I also love Bless me Ultima.


everyone is human....i respect a lot of people though

My Blog

So that I don't forget....

I told everyone that the idea of 'graduation' would not set in until we find ourselves sitting on the couch in the familiar, annual summer fashion and come to the realization that we have the option t...
Posted by Lace on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:11:00 PST