[email protected]
Wow, so my name is Ashly.
Fer sure fer sure it is!
I am the impersonator MASTER!
That's right, MASTER!
How many masters do YOU know?
People who hate me, don't know me.
Or judge me.
Those who know me, love me.
Or at least feel lonely if I'm not around.
Hopefully if you're on my page you're one of the ones that love me.
Or know me and at least have some respect for me.
My life hasn't been easy.
Those that are close to me know this.
If I feel that you won't abandon me in my times of need and show me respect for what has happened throughout my life, you may just get to know more about me than I can/will ever post on here.
I enjoy walking like none other.
Fresh air ftw.
I like a variety of music.
As is evident by my playlist.
On a nerdier note...
I have a side life that involves hours of computer time.
Nope, I'm not into porn you pervs.
I play an online game called Runescape.
I don't feel like explaining it so Google it.
Once you see it you'll call me a nerd for sure.
But you can't say I didn't warn you.
I just enjoy spending time in a place not really in the present world.
So yeah.
Anything else just ask.