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About Me

My name is paulina, & i love to laugh my friends think im immature but i think im just right,i mean why take life so seriously!? Also people mistake me for weird sometimes but its just that they don't get me...either because i guess i'm "boring" OR just so random JAJAJ Xp, or there just to sTuPiD to actaully try.. jajaja but i promise if you do you totally won't regret it! jajaj..aNd ANoThEr tHiNG NeVeR TeLl Me i can't, oR tHAT i sHuDn't CUs i TeNd TA dO tHiNgs i'm NoT suPPOseD tA Do, anD dN't reMinD mE oF DA PAST Or ThE tHiNgs i'vE DoNe, Cus iT'LL MAKe me nOt WANtA bE ARoUnD yOu Cus i'm jUST tRyIn ta FoRgEt EiThER cUS It HuRts TA rEmEbEr oR iTS NoT That ImPoRtANt SO Do mE a FavOr.... ANd let gO!! XP ♥♥♥ TE AMO Por SIEMPRE pau(lol)♥ lmaoMorgansBeast673 layouts
MorgansBeast673's Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

JAJAJ sOmEoNe WhO wOn't ExPeCt Me Ta ACt a CerTaiN waY oR bE a cErtAIN PeRSoN, sOmEoNe wHo DoEsN'T giVe A sHit boUt wAt PeOplE tHinK jajaj...(JnnY kNxVllE..♥..xP)Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets so love the people who treat you right, forget about those who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it, if it changes your life, let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it'd be worth it. ♥pau

My Blog

My fIrST bLoG!!!! jajajja

So mUcH i WannA saySO mUcH I wannA dOANd MAYbE ItS tO latEBuT all I wannA say IS dat I'LL mIsS yOui'Ll MIss YoU makiN mE lauGhANd EbEn ALL da uGlY harDshIpS we HAD iN da PASTI'LL mIss yOu hOlDiN mY ha...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 18:25:00 GMT