Bleedy McBleederton profile picture

Bleedy McBleederton

If you send me junk mail, I'll be sure to send you hate mail.

About Me

Hi!!! My name is Tom. Tom Schroeder to be exact. Or Thomas Jacob Schroeder if you want to be specific. Do you know Tom Cruise's real name is Thomas Cruize Mapother IV? Just wondering! I love to play music and listening is enjoyable as well. I used to live in the boring town of Oshkosh, WI where I played in the band Unlawful Proceedings, a politically charged punk band interested in causing mischief and mayhem in the aforementioned republican town of Oshkosh, where hooligans and yokels holler at me out of their pickup trucks (ironic, since I also drove a truck) and try to fight me because I look different. WELL FUCK THEM!!! Cuz now I live in the city of Portland, OR with my girlfriend Amy where I am currently wrapping up my externship for an associate's degree in baking and patisserie from culinary school. I like my job because I just bake things all day long! I miss my band and my friends but I like my new life out here in Oregon!!!Check out my blog, too! I'm slowly putting up journal entries from a young bumbling spice merchant's apprentice as he tries to travel the spice road to China! I acquired the journal shortly after it was translated and revealed to contribute nothing to the literary world. I disagreed!!!
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Music, horror films, classic films, baking, cooking, Harry Potter (one night, we played a show, and a guy recognized me there because I was at the midnight showing of Goblet of Fire the night before, we're all dorks deep down inside), the blues, old-timey country, metal that'll just piss me off good, biking, hiking, fishing, anything where I'm outdoors and people driving their cars aren't around!

I'd like to meet:

Oh...lot's of people. Most of whom are dead!


Punk, blues, metal (interesting mix)


Evil Dead 2, Shaun of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Bridge on the River Kwai, Band of Brothers; anything with either good battle sequences or multiple disembowelments. Or car chases. Car chases are fun! Ever see Smokey and the Bandit? It's the greatest stupid movie of all time!


Family Guy, Simpsons, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Sopranos anything where I don't have to see real people try to convince me their life has problems.


Harry Potter, 1984 (I recommend this to EVERYONE!!!), Lord of the Rings, C.S. Lewis before he got preachy, (I think I'm seeing a trend here) Kurt Vonnegut, The Alienist, The Angel of Death, etc.


Many of the people that I wanted to meet (whom are dead) are my heroes, but let me pick one. Odyseus. He was a hero! And he's dead, too! Or maybe Samwise Gamgee. He was definitely the hero!!!
About You
Middle Name Jacob
Number of bones broken 6
Been referred to anger management class? FUCK YOU I HAVE!!! I WILL FIGHT YOU!!!
Way you'd prefer death: Mauled by a bengal tiger in front of a school bus full of kindergarteners
What you'd order as a last meal: Hmmm, a large, thincrust pepperoni pizza and a forty of PBR
Can your run-ins with the cops be counted on both hands? Nope
Favorite drink: Pabst Blue Ribbon in big 40 ounce bottles
Can you operate venitian blinds? No, I can't and my girlfriend laughs at me
Will you help Tommy Shreds steal bar stools? Please help me, we've got the bar now we just need the stools
About myspace
How many times a day do you check your account? 2-3
How many of those times will actually have a personal message or comment from somebody? Ummm, sometimes not at all
Doesn't that kinda show you're addicted? Well, I wouldn't consider "addicted"...
Maybe you should consider reading a book Umm, ok,
Or going for a walk Alright...
Or getting a life in general now you're just being mean
In a guy/girl
Would you consider them sexy if they dressed up like a pirate holding you hostage for your booty? Yes, I would...
Or if they put out a cigarette, made out with you, punched you in the eye, then demanded they give you oral sex right then and there? Amy, I hope you're taking notes
I think I'm getting off-track on this survey...
Did you ever take surveys in high school? Yes
You know, the one's about alcohol, sex, and drugs Yep
I always thought those were fun... Yes, I did
Did DARE work for you? Fuck no it didn't!
Did you listen to the speakers preaching abstinence, or did you follow abstinence merely because you couldn't get laid? Ummm...the first option?...No, I just couldn't get laid in High School
What's your idea of Hell? Being the center of a daytime talk show sorrounded by midgets asking me about soap operas...midgets terrify me
What's you idea of Heaven? Being the only male lead saxaphone player in an all girl cabaret at a bar that never closes in traditional New Orleans, and every day is Mardi Gras
Is this the worst survey you've ever taken? Yes, and I think my career in survey making is over.

My Blog

You know, I’ve never been to a public execution before...

The 15th-century spice merchant's apprentice-turned-journeyman is currently learning the business from the lower ranks of journeymen in stationed in the Christian quarter of Jerusalem.Day 200, cont.Th...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:32:00 PST

For too long have I abandoned...

Editor's Note: Sorry for the two month sabbatical I have taken from my blog, it's just that there has been much fun and shenanigans going on in my life recently and I've just been too tired to write v...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 01:19:00 PST

some of my friends sell records

The young 15th-century spice merchants apprentice-turned-journeyman Irvin Perrivent is settling in at the guild house in Jerusalem.Day 199,'Mongst daybreak and sharp cut the blaze shines earl' upon th...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 04:21:00 PST

broke seven commandments on the seventh day

We find the intrepid 15th-century spice merchant's apprentice-turned-journeyman Irvin Perrivent accomodating himself quite well in the Holy Land of Jerusalem.Day 196,Early to rise from slumber to the ...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 04:09:00 PST

the candyman can

Day 194,Finding great fortitude 'twixt the many pilgrims seeking the power of God in his Kingdom of heaven, the Latin quarter of the Most Holy tower which is Jerusalem is now a safe billet and haven f...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 08:39:00 PST

until the day I have to stay...

Editor's Note: Since the demise of The Gilmore Girls, my Tuesday nights are no longer an all-out ban from the TV room, so my blogs are going to return to their regular random intervals. Oh, and if yo...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 06:27:00 PST

This shirt is old and faded

We find 15th-century spice merchant's apprentice Irvin Perrivent sleeping on the cold ground after getting into the city of Jerusalem only to get locked out again for the night.Day 185,Mine prior sun'...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 11:27:00 PST

I was thinking and wanderin' all the way down the road

We find our intrepid 15th-century spice merchant's apprentice Irvin Perrivent as he has reached Jerusalem.Day 184,Hark be to the gorious sirens which cry out the trumpeting coronation as dawn breaks u...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:28:00 PST

hold back your fears

Editor's Note: Sorry for not posting on Tuesday, damn Myspace was down and I couldn't log on. However, as this is Thursday night, and an obnoxious show called "Grey's Anatomy" is showing. I'm sorry,...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:08:00 PST

the times on the streets of philadelphia...

Our resolute 15th century spice merchant's apprentice Irvin Perrivent is currently travelling amidst the middle-east on his journies from France to China.Day 173, approx.For over this valley doth I st...
Posted by Bleedy McBleederton on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:37:00 PST