I want to live, I want to be able to take a breath and not feel like the world is flling in around me. I want to be happy..."Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. . ." -Max EhrmannTo find peace and happiness within myself. I am interested in change and knowledge. I think that everyone is special and has something positive to offer to the world. I want to become everything that I was ever meant to be, and I know that I haven't even come close yet. I love to laugh. Sharing good times with friends, and sharing a smile with a stranger. I love getting butterflies in my stomach. Chocolate cake, raspberries, pasta, salmon, and a good salad are always hard to turn down. Beautiful eyes and soft lips, mmmmm good. Independence interests me. I have yet to truly discover what it is to be completly indepent of all others. Dependency scares me, it seems as if I have never really been able to count on anyone else, or myself for that matter. Becoming dependent on another scares me because sooner or later that will backfire, and someone will get hurt. Understanding human nature and human emotions. Sunshine makes me happy, I think that I would die without the sun. I love children. Children are our future, they are like a blank canvas, and the examples that we set for them will mold what kind of a person they grow into. Teachers are so important. I want to change the world, and I will do it through teaching children. A good teacher can make such a difference in a child's life. I will make a difference in the hearts and minds of many children.
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. . ." -Jack Kerouac I adopted a cute lil' baby jesus fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
music is food for my soul. without it i would die. i love all of it.
man i never remember the movies i watch!
Gray's Anatomy, Nip-Tuck, House, Desperate Housewives, Shark Week on Discovery Channel, Deal or No Deal, . . . . . . .
Ralph Waldo Emmerson, The Bible, The Rules, Steven King, Feng Shui, Bill Shakespere, Kurt Cobain Journals, Chicken Soup for the Soul, anything horoscope related, etc.
my dad. the guy who invented wine (God), and someone who is happy with themselves and doesnt lie about not regretting a damn thing in their life...