-=Dark Ice Angel Melfiscent=- profile picture

-=Dark Ice Angel Melfiscent=-

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Ima gurl on d block that will turn ur DAMN WORLD..UPSIDE DOWN!!! I'll gnna do the damnest thin' jaz 2 mke my ol'of'ma'fwnds hapi.. & I'll gnna "KILL" sum1 hu evr dares 2 ruin the frndshp I hve!!Ima SUPER MAKULIT!!!A very KIKAY person as oweiz. You'll nvr gnna see me sad xcpt 2 to those hu really knw me at'ol...coz 8s sumwat obvious wen I'm sad(*frown* but it's only 4 a while!!).I oweiz wntd all ppol 'round me will gnna be hapi & gay *lol* so I oweiz cheer demup...hep, hep, hep..YAHOO!!...evn 2 those ppol I hvnt knwn so well..8s jaz bcoz I'm a very friendly person.I nvr wntd a person hu doznt KEEP his/her PROMISES!! dang!!..it annoys me & f u wnna mke friends wid me... den learn 2 go wid'ma flow & ride wid'me & I'll go widy'all...-=NVR TRY 2 PIZZ ME OFF & BLOCK MA'WAY OF LYF!!!!=-Y'ALL....LET'S ROCK!! PEACE OUT ..m/ ..m/


My Interests

I'm a type of person who's into sports... as in I'm a sporty type of girl..I love play volleyball, swimming, scuba diving,mountain and rock climbing, archery, horseback riding & also gymnastics..a bit in music instruments such as keyboards, flute, guitars and drums..hihi.. I'm also doin' acting, singing & dancing coz I dance a lot..in fact, I'm one of the dancers in our campus..hehe..

I'd like to meet:

any person...BASTA NICE & REAL PERSON! Some one who will accept me 4 bein' what I am... that's all thank you *BOW*.... hehehe....


any music that will not turn me sleepy...=


suspence, thriller, comedy(must not be a corny one!), action(but not much), love stories, sci-fi's and a bit of fantasies..


any..it mustn't be boring...it should have sense..