Ingzie profile picture


About Me

Kylee's Input:
"I'm Kelsey. I'm pretty much B.A. at cello, and Kylee May is probably the coolest chick in town."
Jessica's Input:
Hi, my name is Kelsey and i want the love of my life to get hit by a train. thats all you need to know.=]
Heather's Input
"I'm Kelsey and I'm a sea otter. NERRR!"
Kari's Input
My nicknames are Chi Chi and Nancy and I absolutly adore the person that gave them to me :)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~alright, so I suck at this, but we're going to try it anyway. My names Kelsey (but I have many another name if you will notice above.) and I like to think that I am a very thought provoked and/or provoking person. Although I can act like a complete douche, I would like to think that I'm one of the nicer people you'll meet. I really do try to make everyone happy, and give people second chances .. but sometimes I think I give people too many chances. I'm almost always sarcastic, but most of the time it doesn't work cause I'm also a horrible liar. If you want to make me happy, just pop in some acoustic music .. god I'm sucker for that crap; music in general is actually probably one of the main things I live for. ( i want to go to college to be a music business major) My goal in life is to leave one B.A. legacy behind; I want everyone that ever gets to know me to say later on .. "Oh yea, Kelsey Ingram .. yea she's pretty awesome"=] .. thats it. (sorry its random, but there it is.)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

short term testimony

............ .. .. So I was thinking, and Im not really sure why it all makes sense now, but it does.  Let me start by saying that this is going to be about everything Ive been thinking ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 19:28:00 GMT