Kylee's Input:
"I'm Kelsey. I'm pretty much
B.A. at cello, and Kylee May
is probably the coolest
chick in town."
Jessica's Input:
my name is Kelsey
and i want the love of my life to get hit by a train.
thats all you need to know.=]
Heather's Input
"I'm Kelsey and I'm a sea otter.
Kari's Input
My nicknames are Chi Chi and Nancy and I absolutly adore the person that gave them to me :)
~~~~~alright, so I suck at this, but we're going to try it anyway.
My names Kelsey (but I have many another name if you will notice above.) and I like to think that I am a very thought provoked and/or provoking person. Although I can act like a complete douche, I would like to think that I'm one of the nicer people you'll meet. I really do try to make everyone happy, and give people second chances .. but sometimes I think I give people too many chances. I'm almost always sarcastic, but most of the time it doesn't work cause I'm also a horrible liar. If you want to make me happy, just pop in some acoustic music .. god I'm sucker for that crap; music in general is actually probably one of the main things I live for. ( i want to go to college to be a music business major) My goal in life is to leave one B.A. legacy behind; I want everyone that ever gets to know me to say later on .. "Oh yea, Kelsey Ingram .. yea she's pretty awesome"=] .. thats it. (sorry its random, but there it is.)