Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Ready to come in and design a special space for you and all those designer suits and designers shoes...Call me soon to arrange an appointment so I can finally get you organized they way you should be...;) MY Son at graduation with his girlfriend..Im so proud!!! .. ... ..... ...... There is an Angel in all of us.......
Just took another step in my career, I am trying my hand at interior custom design closets, I just took over the manhattan market as a design consultant, I am looking forward to this new venture and would like to design something great for you... ....... To follow is the query of my fathers book that I am tryin to get published for my father... “Framed! -- In a Fair Trial†is the working title of my non-fiction book. I was convicted of computer fraud and securities fraud on July 19th 2006 in Federal District Court in Newark, NJ. The Internet paid attention to the case. If you google my name, Roger Duronio, you get over 10,000 articles referring to the case. I have an M.S. in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh, 1978. I have worked for 28 years as a computer contract consultant. I’ve worked at Exxon Research, IBM, AT&T, Bellcore, Merrill Lynch, Westinghouse, Prodigy, Fiduciary Trust Bank, Chemical Bank, SIAC, UBS Paine Webber, etc. On November 21st I will be 64. My resume is at“Framed†is an attack, an appeal, and a prayer that the judicial system be changed. A trial by jury is a crapshoot today. Worse, there are incentives for the people involved to commit misconduct. The lawyers are in the position of having to “read tea leaves†on what and how to present evidence and arguments to a jury. The current system is not designed to find truth, it is designed to convince a jury of the accused person’s guilt or innocence. I offer a critique of the present system and a general solution: the scientific method for finding truth.The book is a chronological and sequential selection of my trial’s testimony interspersed with my comments and criticism. In my criticism I assert that the government planted evidence in my home, suborned and got perjury, etc. The lawyers, the judge, and the poor jury, which was totally unprepared and inadequate for their task, failed in their responsibilities. The critical remarks on the testimony and actions of the lawyers are all self-serving and a blast at the individuals involved, along the lines of Zola’s “j’Accuseâ€. The critical comments also exemplify the book’s thesis: the system permits innocence and guilt to be determined in a manner where truth is far from guaranteed. If anything, the current trial system almost guarantees that the truth will not be found. The current trial method can’t even help its failures in truth determination, can’t keep from framing people, inadvertently supports the irrelevance of truth: The government “frames the guilty†by design and intent. But on occasion the government inadvertently frames the innocent.I have a written proposal of 29 pages. The first draft is roughly 80% done. I get sentenced on ..h 2006, which will bring more public attention. I’m passionately committed to this book and will assist in getting it into print. I would appreciate your representing me and my work. Yours truly,------------------------------------------------------ ----- Roger F. Duronio 110 Gray St. Bogota, NJ, 07603 201-996-6897 [email protected] to get published.. Me and my very tall baby.. "I MISS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just Smile!!!!
Zack and his beautiful princess... MY Heart My Soul MY Son Where does the time go...He grew up before my very eyes..It felt like it was just yesterday he was in his carseat behind me.. now he drives alone...xoNow look at you..all grown up being the best you can be... zachs press release pictures announcing his scholarship pic 2 pic 3 pic 4 pic 5 Zach is Heading to Farleigh Dickinson in the fall to pitch...I am very proud of my son...:) ....
Completly SHOT in Mexico!!!!!!
Having Way Too Much Fun!!!
Summer of 2002...what a great year!!!!! FOR THOSE OF YOU INTERESTED IN MY WORK..HE IS A PICTURE OF THE NEW SHERATON IN WHITE PLAINS.. MY COMPANY JUST FINISHED..WE SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED ALL THE GLASS AND METAL ON THE PROJECT...AND YES I AM A UNION CONTRACTOR... ;) This is my partner in THIS IS A BARREL VAULT SYSTEM THAT WE DESIGNED AND FABRICATED AND INSTALLED ON A PROJECT IN MANHATTAN...WE ARE STILL ON THIS PROJECT AS WELL AS A FEW TRAINS STATIONS THAT I AM COMPLETING AS WE SPEAK..THE PROJECT THAT T&M IS HEADING TO IS THE BEACON ESTURARIES PROJECT.. THIS IS WHERE WE FABRICATE THE MATERIAL..ME WITH ONE OF OUR EMPLOYEES... HERE IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF OUR FORMEN AT THE PLAZA..MAN THEY HAVE BEEN FREEZING THIS PAST WEEK..BUT GETTING THE JOB DONE!!!! DO YOU SEE THE SLOPED SKYLIGHT SYSTEM WE ARE INSTALLING..THIS IS FOR THE PENTHOUSE APARTMENT WHICH USED TO BE THE PLAZA HOTEL..NOW ITS APARTMENTS..THE PEOPLE WHO ARE MOVING IN HERE ARE LIVING LARGE...THEY HAVE THE VIEWS OF CENTRAL PARK..IT'S TOTALLY AMAZING...THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR HERE IS TISHMAN CONSTRUCTION..THE OWNER IS ELAD DEVELOPEMNT...AND OF COURSE WE ARE THE GLAZING CONTRACTOR..MY COMPANY T&M ARCHITECTURAL METAL & GLASS INC... THIS IS MR. DAVID RODRIQUEZ HE IS OUR SITE SUPERINDETENT ON TH PLAZA PROJECT...HE ALSO RAN THE HUDSON LINE PROJECT FOR ME..ONE OF OUR FINEST...I was one of the selected contractors to rebuild at Ground Zero..It is and was the most rewarding project that I have had in my career...To follow is a interview and my quote to the NewYork Construction Magazine...Tammy Hileman, president of T+M Architectural Metal + Glass Inc., said the demanding design-build schedule necessitated complete cooperation among subcontractors. Her firm installed stainless steel, aluminum and glass panels around the elevator entrances and in stairwells. It worked closely with Schindler Corp., which simultaneously installed and tested the elevators. Although a painter died at the PATH station project in June – it was the first fatality at Ground Zero during recovery, cleanup and reconstruction combined – Hileman said she was impressed by the Port Authority’s extensive safety precautions to guard against the hazards of different construction teams working in such close quarters. This is the smokebaffels that we installed at the WTC substationTHIS IS THE ELEVATOR TOWER THAT STANDS ON VESEY ST..WE FABRICATED AND INSTALLED THE ENCLOSURE HERE AS WELL AS THE ELEVATOR TOWER INSIDE THE BUILDING..I PERSONALLY RAN THIS PROJECT..I SPENT A YEAR AT GROUND ZERO...REBUILDING...ALWAYS REMEMBER 911... STILL ROCKIN MY HAT CRACKERJACK!!!!