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The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success..................................................... ............................................................ ..........................................................Su ccess a word that many set out to find, but base it on World affairs. I'm not saying owning a bussiness playing a pro sport, Doctors, Lawyers, etc Are not successful. People measure success in many different ways. Some even feel just by being happy they have success, but is that true happiness, peace, joy. You can possess everything in this world power, respect, money, fame and still not have true success. We as people where created to last forever which means that when u die we will contiue being in one or two places Heaven or Hell. Which says to me that the only true success is found in Jesus Christ. He is the only source to true success. As long as you live your life u will never find anything better. For he holds the answer to ever question. The keys to every door. He shines light on all darkness. He's everything u need him to be. And he has a great plan for your life. Far more greater than what you have for yourself. "1 John 4:4 Greater he is in me than in the world." We are living in a fallen world, gaining all the success in the world will not matter when you die. Thats why it is really important that we prepare are self for eternity. If you want true success find out who Jesus is it will be the best choice in your life...