studying the subtle nuances of game theory, developing my real estate empire, vanilla/li hing mui flavored shave ice, value investing and technical analysis, wikipediaing, heated politcal discussions, cheap domestic beer, doing sudoku puzzles in pen, travelling, reading books on how home appliances work, the great outdoors, pointing out the hypocracies of the far right, and college football
so scared of getting older,
i'm only good at being young
So you know that part in Garden State, when the main character wakes up after a night of hard partying with shit written all over his face, and then he turns and looks towards the kitchen and sees a knight walk by....for some reason everytime i think of that i start cracking up.
Homer-"There are only two things that scare me, and one is world domination."Bart-"What's the other one?"Homer-"The other what?"Bart-"The other thing that scares you?"Homer-"Carnies. Circus-folk, nomads you know. Have small hands- smell like cabbage"
there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.
~ Bukowski
Young Nastyman -
archrival and nemesis of Wonderboy, with powers comparable to Wonderboy. What powers you ask? I dunno, how 'bout the power of flight? That do anything for ya? That's levitation holmes. How 'bout the power to kill a yak, from 200 yards away...
with mind bullets! That's telekinesis, Kyle.
How 'bout the power, to move you?and warren buffet...