I <3 My TeDdY bEaR ♥ profile picture

I &lt;3 My TeDdY bEaR ♥

I vE beEn wAiTiNg FoR YoU n NoW i HaVe yOu 3

About Me

hey i havent done a about me in a while..i really dont touch my profile so its all good ne wayz..well ill tell u a lil bit bout me..my name is cynthia but EVERYBODY calls me cindy cuz i h8 the name cynthia..uhh im 16 years old n i go to n.e highschool...IM A JUNIOR NOW YEAA BOI.. lolz...lets see what else..im bout 5'4 dirty blond hair n lite brown eyes...im a lil chubby but im tryin to work it off..but ne wayz...my family n my friends mean everything to me...n i wouldnt be in this world if it wasent for my mother...i try to do everything for my mom n everyone thinks that my mom is strict wells shes not i choose to be around her all the time...n i dont care if u say im a mommys girl cuz I AM!!!...n one last thing is my dad...my dad passed away the thanksgiving of 03...i still remember wen it happen..this was in the afternoon n they said there was maybe a 15 % that my dad was gonna make it n my mom said pull the plug...well me n my mom n my family were goin to my house n were gonna get calmed down n 5 mins later they called my house n said that my dad has passed away...i passed out..i misss him so much but i know he will always be here...but its just some stuff that i wanted him to be here with me..like wen i get married n wen i graduate...but i know he will always be in my heart...R.I.P daddy 11-25-03.One more thing i like to talk bout is myb/f damian.he is my everything and no one could ever change that.We jus started to go out but i feel like ive knew him forever. 3 I love you damian 3 [oct.8.2007]

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