Rock climbing, more rock climbing, soon to be wall climbing, did I mention rock climbing with a side of Wheelin'? All to the Glory of God
I am not going to say Jesus because we have already met and I know Him quite well... "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:12Samburson; Mike Cannon EMT, Superhero, Crimefighter, Ceramitarian, Champion of Justice, Patron Saint of Bricklayers, Friend of the Little Man...(because that is not the Mike I know); and Captain Planet.
I would like to point out that, 1. Mark Driscoll drives a jeep. and 2. He seems to be more excentric than usual in this clip.
"Billy Preston was amazing. We are working on stealing some of his sweet live moves..." ~David Crowder Band
The Abolition of Man, Weight of Glory, Screwtape Letters, A Grief Observed, The Practice of Godliness, More Than A carpenter, Love Your God With All Your Mind, The greatest collection of books... the Bible.
My wife, for being the bravest woman I know... marrying me, stainless steel, and Freakin' Batman! And Didier Berthod.(If you don't know, google video him)