monotheistic and monogomous... and loving it. profile picture

monotheistic and monogomous... and loving it.

I am here for Friends

About Me

Who am I but a called sinner to a holy purpose...I love Christ, my wife, and I love to see the youth radically change their lives and others around them! I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I enjoy rock climbing and when I have the time, jeepin'. I am trying to transition into big wall climbing (Half Dome here I come). Most importantly, I am a Christian, not because of mood lighting and moving music, rather, because it is right. I stand on truth and not some false pretense belief of "blind faith". I keep busy to avoid my mind from wandering down paths it has too often frequented in the past. As C.S. Lewis said, "Eros ceases to be a devil, only when it ceases to be a god." I cherish my relationships and hold friends dear to me. My mentors are also close friends and I look up to them not because they lead adventurous lives (which some do) but because of their love for God and the unadulterated word of Truth. We should go climbing and sing a song together. (If we are lucky, Jaso will do an interpretive dance to whatever song we choose to sing.)
I wanna climb all of it...

My Interests

Rock climbing, more rock climbing, soon to be wall climbing, did I mention rock climbing with a side of Wheelin'? All to the Glory of God

I'd like to meet:

I am not going to say Jesus because we have already met and I know Him quite well... "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:12Samburson; Mike Cannon EMT, Superhero, Crimefighter, Ceramitarian, Champion of Justice, Patron Saint of Bricklayers, Friend of the Little Man...(because that is not the Mike I know); and Captain Planet.


I would like to point out that, 1. Mark Driscoll drives a jeep. and 2. He seems to be more excentric than usual in this clip.


"Billy Preston was amazing. We are working on stealing some of his sweet live moves..." ~David Crowder Band


The Abolition of Man, Weight of Glory, Screwtape Letters, A Grief Observed, The Practice of Godliness, More Than A carpenter, Love Your God With All Your Mind, The greatest collection of books... the Bible.


My wife, for being the bravest woman I know... marrying me, stainless steel, and Freakin' Batman! And Didier Berthod.(If you don't know, google video him)