Traveling. The Beach. Work(believe it or not). Spending time with my wife. With my daughter. With my friends. With my dogs. Going out at night. Staying in during the day. Motorcycles. Going out during the day. Staying in at night. And of couse, I still enjoy making fun of people who make fun of other people.
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Almost everything..............almost.
There's too many to list. However, if I were given 10 seconds to name a few they would be: Casino, Cinderella Man, Goodfellas, Fight Club, Full Metal Jacket, Goonies, Top Gun, Wedding Crashers, Boiller Room, and Anchorman.
Rarely watch it these days.
Love to read. I'll read anything from fiction, science-fiction, non-fiction, biographies, nudie magazines (just kidding), romance novels (now I'm really kidding), phone books (NOT kidding), dictionaries (off course I'm kidding), to take out menus (siriously not kidding there), and that pretty much covers it.
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