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The Rogue Pierres' 2012 World Tour!

About Me

Click here for a funny story. Or don't. I don't care.

Nous sommes Les Pierres Rogues! I realize that doesn't make any sense at all. I don't care. Fuck you.

My Interests

Type 2 Diabetes. That whole "I ate so much candy and shit that my body no longer produces insulin" thing is fucking awesome. Also proves there is no interventionist God. Look it up in wikipedia under "pantheism."

I'd like to meet:

The Michelin Man (so I can push him down a hill).


Portuguese Liturgical Gospel. You should really get down with PLG, it's the new hotness. Fuck that old nastiness.


I feel like such a retard when I like a movie. I'm all like blown away by a good movie because my expectations are so low. I think I should only be "blown away" by a really powerful movie, but I found myself raving over Mission Impossible: III when let's face it, it was probably a decent flick at best. But what are you gonna do? One of these days I'm going to write a movie about a man who except for having an unfortunate tendancy to firebomb focus groups, is the greatest guy on earth and God's gift to women, children and dopey-eyed golden retrievers. The viewer is going to be conflicted because on one hand, this guy is a total schlep who will bend over backwards for anyone and is funny, handsome and totally schmaltzy. But on the other hand, he massacres people with fire. It'll be a "think" piece.


The FBI intercepts your brainwaves through the tv and uses them to force Baby Jesus to kill kittens.


Penthouse Letters. Swedish Erotica. OK, this is really tough for me, but... I'm illiterate. I'd write more, but the bitter tears are shorting out my keybo


What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com

My Blog

The Desert: A brief overview (From the files of....)

Hey, I don't know what jeans size I'm wearing right now, but all the jeans you get me at Neiman are cut for narrow fit, so a 36 would probably work.  As far as shoes I'm an 11.  Thank y...
Posted by Justin on Fri, 18 May 2007 01:23:00 PST

From the archives of my yahoo "sent" folder:

This is a letter I wrote to my parents on July 22, 2006 from Tokyo, Japan (not the one in Arizona).  Enjoy the voyeuristic goodness! Hi, Sorry I've been incommunicado for a while, not for any rea...
Posted by Justin on Tue, 15 May 2007 10:20:00 PST

No subject, just some thoughts.

To all who have somehow found this blog due to its categorization as "Art and Photography," I humbly apologize.  F-stop.  Shutter speed.  Picasso.  There, happy?  I used to da...
Posted by Justin on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:09:00 PST

An open letter to Taco Bell from Jack (John) Van Houten

The following was written by Jack Van Houten. I discovered it during one of my many travails in my hard drive. I decided to edit it, but the genius herein is unmistakable. Enjoy.I am writing to rep...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:06:00 PST

The Aristocrats - an interlude (Full version!)

This piece is inspired by the major motion picture The Aristocrats, and is the result of a collaborative effort involving myself, Aaron Burge, Marie Lynah and Jenae Monforton. We hope this work, which...
Posted by Justin on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 10:23:00 PST

Da Apostlez Wif Attitude and The Quest for the Golden, Diamond Encrusted Vagina (part 7)

Judah took another deep pull off his cigarette. He watched the car door tentatively swing open and flicked the ashes off of his cigarette. The door ajar chimes echoed hollow in the void as Josh sh...
Posted by Justin on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 03:40:00 PST

Da Apostlez Wif Attitude and The Quest for the Golden, Diamond Encrusted Vagina (part 6)

At 26, Judah was the oldest of the group. This age difference, he thought, imbued him with a more mature perspective of this situation. It wasnt fear, or dread  it was more a sense of certainty. ...
Posted by Justin on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 05:35:00 PST

Da Apostlez Wif Attitude and The Quest for the Golden, Diamond Encrusted Vagina (part 5)

It was a little disquieting to say the least. Nate personally was a wreck. He felt sick as shit, hed drank a lot of whiskey and coke. That was weird, he thought, it tasted like Mojo was coming ...
Posted by Justin on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 06:39:00 PST

Da Apostlez Wif Attitude and The Quest for the Golden, Diamond Encrusted Vagina (part 4)

Its a funny thing that happens when a person dies. First, the body bloats, then it decays. After a while, the decaying process slows; the corpulent stink fades. The biological factors acting on th...
Posted by Justin on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 05:58:00 PST

Da Apostlez Wif Attitude and The Quest for the Golden, Diamond Encrusted Vagina (part 3)

DAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHH! Shimon screamed, jumping back into his seat. He threw an arm over his eyes in an attempt to protect himself. Everyone in the car looked up in time to see an enormous green fo...
Posted by Justin on Fri, 19 Aug 2005 10:03:00 PST