Mariah profile picture


Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.

About Me

Ok, so I've been on here a while now. Guess it's time to actually put something in here. I'm Mariah, and those of you looking for me from a long time ago, yes my last name was Lester. :) I have two amazing children and a fabulous husband. You can see them in my pic section.
I love doing theater. I have been doing it for over 7 years now and have been in over a dozen plays. I can't believe I didn't do this earlier. It is so fitting to my personality. And I've met lots of new friends doing it. Of course, they're theater people, so they're a little off, but hey... so am I!
I recently started working for a wholesale nursery in Eustis. I'm in the sales / customer service department. It's really neat. I was surprised. It wasn't what I was looking for at all, but it's turned out to be really interesting. I'm learning new things which is always cool to me.
I have a ferret, Charlie, who completely rocks. He's my little buddy.
I am not here to meet new people, just to reconnect with old friends and keep in touch with new friends. I'm not a friend whore. The only people on my list are people I personally know. If you and I have never crossed paths before, please don't send me a request. I will deny it. Nothing personal, I just don't need it.
If you and I have known each other at sometime in the past, I will remember you. Please send me a request as I would love to hear about what's going on in your life. I never realized how many people I actually know and consider my friends, even though we don't hang out.
Anyway.. that's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by.
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My Interests

Theater, music, movies, my children, pool, learning to play my new guitar.

I'd like to meet:

My real daddy. Just kidding

Jimmy Buffett

Other than that... I'm pretty much set.

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Mostly everything. Jimmy Buffett, Frank Sinatra, Josh Groban, Norah Jones, country, easy listening, broadway musicals, classical, Top 40, just nothing with a lot of electric guitar solos that last 4 hours or people talking about their ho's or cappin' someone. Just not interested.


Anything but a chick flick! I love horror, suspense, mystery, comedies, some sci-fi.


Can I tell you how much I love my DVR?!?!? I can't remember a life when I had to watch commercials. I have no patience for them now.I like Grey's Anatomy, House, CSI, Scrubs, Teachers, Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, Firefly, Dirty Jobs. Hrm.. I'm sure there's tons more, but can't think of any right now.


Wicked has been my favorite. Just finished a couple Mary Higgins Clark books. She's one of my favorite authors.


myspace layout

That would be my mom.

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My Blog

More Weird Things About Me

Haha.. so I've been asked to put up more weird things about myself to help other people feel somewhat normal. Actually, I was told that I was the "weirdest chick" they had ever met.. Yes, Joe, that wa...
Posted by Mariah on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 04:16:00 PST

6 Weird Things About Me

The first player of this game starts with '6 weird things/habits about yourself'. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a b...
Posted by Mariah on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:12:00 PST