Nathan profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Nathan Mueller, but if you dont know that then you probably shouldnt be wasting your time reading this anyways. andddd i love Christina's Penis**..

My Interests

Friends, skating, video games, meeting new people, concerts, and having fun.

I'd like to meet:

Stalter and Waldorf. The two old guys on the balcony from the muppets haha.Msn Messenger: [email protected] add me


I like new and old stuff, foreign bands like Wolfmother and the Arctic Monkey's are tight, old shit like Iron Maiden, and bands like Megadeth, System of a Down, and The Strokes are all sick.


Old animated movies, anything that can make me laugh, or a movie with a good story line.


Naruto because apparently i dont look like a Naruto fan according to Christina.



My ever growing list of people I love dearly.Brooke, Christina, Colton, Dasia, Jeremy, Jordan, Katbearfox, Kendra, Kevin, Lang, Mason, Miranda, Sasha, Taylor.Seriously, you guys fucking own and I love you all to death and would do ANYTHING for you. Nathan........Jordan........Colton........Jeremy.......Mason