Jared profile picture


On Green, You'll be late!

About Me

Well I'm 6'4" dark blonde, blue eyes and I think this one girl I knew put it best she said I looked just like Billy Bob in Varsity Blues hehe. I got a kick out of that. Anyways I'm usually pretty busy but find the time to help out my friends when ever they need it. If I do have some free time you might find me at Finnegans. I like road trips and being out in the country on my cousins' farm's. I have a great time out boating and tubing with my friends at the lake. Constantly out in the garage wrenching away on the racecar and spending money for it, a lot of it. I have 2 sisters that can get quite annoying some times but I love em. I have one dog a schnauzer named Chevy and he thinks he's a doberman. Sometimes when I'm ruff housing with him a little he clamps down on my hand or arm or what ever gets into that garabge disposal of a mouth of his and I too think he's a doberman. But he's a good dog. Anyways here are a few of my favorites; Airplanes are the P-51D Mustang and the F-4F Phantom, My favorite car is the 1970 1/2 Baldwin Motion Camaro. My favorite boat is the Fountain 40' offshore race boat. My favorite foods are pizza, chinease, Bdubs, and Pepperjax, and as you can probably tell I can put some away. But I'm trying to cut back because a lighter driver means a faster racecar! I drag race my 1970 SS Nova and 1973 Cutlass at a local drag strip called Nebraska Motorplex. and Mid America Motorplex. I have won 3 Track Championships, 2 NHRA National Dragster Challenge's and a shit load of regular season races. I won the Ford Shootout Championship (in a Chevy LMAO). I won the 2007 Total Performance Track Championship and have won six Heads-Up events, and some regualr season races. My racing team is called Adrenaline Motorsports and our team logo is my backgound. My teammate races a 1974 Vega Wagon and is building a '79 Camaro tube chasis car that should be quite fast hehe.
What level of car person are you?
Repair shops are for wusses! You think that only pretty boys drive Corvettes. You know which colors and options were available on a 1966 Pontiac Catalina.

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What car type are you?

Super car.
The fastest and most expensive.You get nothing but the best parts, wheels ect.

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My Interests

DRAG RACING, Hunting, Fishing, Flying model airplanes, Boating, Playstation, (this is usually what I do to my friends on Madden or NCAA)


Rock, Rap, Pop, Classic Rock, Alternative, Oldies, Techno, just about anything that has a good beat but no so much on the punk rock.


ah I'm sure theres more but I'll list later.


Dukes of Hazard South Park Family Guy, Who's Line is it Anyway, Simpsons, King of the Hill, SpeedChannel, History Channel, Military Channel


Yea Right. Maybe Magazines: Popular Hot Rodding, Super Chevy, Hot Rod Magazine, National Dragster.

My Blog

Drag Racing season stats thus far

Well so far I have done pretty well this year.  I have won one Heads-Up event the next one is tomarrow night.  I have raced two events in the Total Performance Series at Mid America Motorple...
Posted by Jared on Fri, 25 May 2007 05:11:00 PST

My Nova accepted to World of Wheels

Well my Nova is down at the Quest Center in the World of Wheels show this weekend March 16-18 if anyone is going.  It's at the south end of the building right behind the "Elenor" Mustan...
Posted by Jared on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 04:02:00 PST


Buffalo Wild Wings has the greatest wings in the world.  That is all
Posted by Jared on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:19:00 PST

I'm tired of being the nice guy

Rant Mode: ON I just don't understand how a guy can treat a girl like complete shit, and she still wants him.  I don't understand how girls believe some of the shit these guys say.  I don't...
Posted by Jared on Fri, 12 May 2006 10:44:00 PST