BEST MOVIE QUOTE EVER: "you just told me you loved me,now if i tell you i love you and throw caution to the wind and let the chips fall where the may and your lying to me im gonan fuckin die!!" (she says)"Im sorry i lied to you..and i swear form this point on till i die,i will never lie to you again..I LOVE YOU!"if only things like that happened in real life lol..
Robot chicken,Family guy,Boondocks,The ultimate fighter,i used to watch mtv when they accually showed music and not all this bullshit reality tv crap...back when it was head bangers ball and YO mtv its all this crap drained of authenticity and replaced with this dumb perverted progaming
forgiveness how to make peace with your past and move on with your life,the black coffee blues(henry rollins),smack,cut,you remind me of me,go ask alice,the hatchet,1984,animal were born an original dont die a cope(i reccomend)
any one who survied this bitch we call life...