my children,cooking,crafting, music, philosophy,Robert Rodriguez movies, Disneyland, THE COMING OF THE AGE OF PHOENIX , Lost In India, Aiden (my little fire), California, Oklahoma weather, family life...
ASIMO!, Betty White, Robert Rodriguez (duh), Freddy Rodriguez, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, Serj Tankian, Walt Disney, Vincent Price, Patricia Arquette , Clive Owen, oh, ... and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson... I think I'll be more embarrassed about owning a talking "The Rock" t-shirt when I was 16-18. Yes, it talked... I pushed the (then) WWF logo and it spoke. An article of clothing I had spoke.
All of it.....especially Led Zeppelin
True Romance, SLC Punk, Immortal Beloved, El Mariachi, Desperado,From Dusk Til Dawn,Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Sin City, Planet Terror,and Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill v. 1 & 2, The Pirate Trilogy, Boondock Saints, Old School, and Bubble Boy.
Ugly Betty,Scrubs,ANTM,Dirt Invader Zim
Of Love and Other Demons, The Kitchen God's Wife, The Monk by Mathew Lewis... , Haunting of Hill House... I live in Oklahoma now, I don't have access to Sunset Blvd. I read Us Weekly to help me cope.
.....Dio. Dio is old and people still love him. To me, he is a "Rainbow in the Dark". Rock on, Dio. Rock on.. Robert Rodriguez... movies made for $7,000 are possible! and Danny Trejo... the best face for HD