I am the quiet one you will find in the corner of the room at parties, the kind of person that enjoys watching the crowd rather than being in it. For the past four years I have mostly spent my days getting about an hour of sleep, driving, sitting in class, driving some more, testing video games, driving some more, and doing homework only to take another 1 hour nap and do it all over again. No more of that! I am not sure what I will be doing with my time. I will probably end up studying up on some programming languages, going to work, and playing video games with my girl. If you have not already gathered that I like video games, then read on. I enjoy playing all sorts of video games, adventure games, God games, first-person shooters, racing games, or puzzle games. At this point you’re either calling me a nerd, or you’re praising me for being a chic that plays video games. Well that’s not all boys and girls I like to make them too. That’s right I am a geek. Which is probably why you would find me in the corner being quiet, observing the peoples. I enjoy summer nights, hot days with cool breezes, swimming in a clean pool/ocean (which rules out public pools and any ocean in the US), reading (now I will be able to read more than text books), writing, daydreaming, having delusions of grandeur, hanging out in San Diego, spending time with my niece and nephew, finding money, winning money (pretty much everything there is to do with money other than loosing it), taking naps in the middle of the day, listening to jazz, swing dancing, reconnecting with old friends, writing long winded sentences like this, and lovin all over my girlfriend.