About me...hmmm....fascinating topic. Let's see, I like to eat, sleep, and work out. I'm also incredibly lazy. If you don't believe that, just take a gander at my page. I am too lazy to take a picture of just me, scan one of just me, or crop one so that it is just me. I am too lazy to get a cool background or change my browser to something nifty and cool. Does anyone really read this thing anyway? Shouldn't we all just admit we only look at the pictures and comments? I know I don't read this section whenever I'm looking at someone's profile...oh wait, that's because I'm too lazy. I was also so lazy it took my friends a year to finally peer pressure me into getting on myspace. And what is up with all those quizzes people post on their page? "What's your Porn Star name?" "How Sexy are You?" I really don't see how my favorite color and the third letter of my grandma's aunt's cousin's sister-in-law's name is going to tell me how hot I am. If I want to find out how hot you are, I will just seduce you when you least expect it and take it from there. Wait, how will I know if I'm hot enough to seduce someone? Hmm...interesting point. Where did I see that quiz? :)