I'm an author and journalist. By day, I work for the News-Democrat in the St. Louis area, covering a city beat, education and the environment. I am also the News-Democrat pop culture blogger, writing reviews of books, TV, movies, comic books and anything else that meets my fancy.
By night, I'm an author. Here's a short list of my stuff:
Nocturnal Urges (Cerridwen Press, 2004)
A More Perfect Union (Cerridwen Press, 2005)
Setting Suns (New Babel Books, 2006)
Nocturne (Cerridwen Press, 2006)
Abaddon (Cerridwen Press, 2007)
The Dreadmire Chronicles (Spellbinder Books, 2009)
Tandem (Ellora's Cave Publishing, 2006)
The Cold Ones (Sam's Dot Publishing, 2009)
"Weathergirl," Cover of Darkness
"Bargaining With Spiders," Twilight and Thorns
"Silent," Thirteen Stories, reprinted Aoife's Kiss Magazine
"Wonderland," winner of the 2006 Darrell Award
"Muse City: I Live With It Every Day," co-written with Jason R. Tippitt, Distinctive Fiction
"Jesus Loves Me," The Murder Hole
"Vertigo," DogEar Magazine
"Deep Breathing," Del Rey Books Workshop Feature
Darrell Award, Best Novella, "Abaddon," 2007
Darrell Award, Best Short Story, "Wonderland," 2006
Darrell Award finalist, Best Novel, "A More Perfect Union," 2005
Darrell Award, Best Novella, "Nocturnal Urges," 2004
Prism Award, finalist, "Nocturnal Urges," 2004
Essays, news stories and columns... I write stuff. If you want to know more about it, or me, check out these spots: