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lauren ashleyy carver,is the name:)
julyy 15, is the dayy, my mother;
was blessed with me:)
my age, may implyy im,
and adultt, but i dont
like to embrass the namee:)
becausee on the insidee im
just a kidd;:p
i believee that laughter,
and lovee make the world,
a wayy betterr placee:)
i'm a christiann:)
but yeahh i do make mistakess
andd who doesntt?<33
i love servingg my lord,
god almightyy<3:)
i'm a freshiee at SGC
i livee lifee with the
objectivee"reach for the moon
because if you fall, you
will land with the stars":)
my friendss and familyy,
theyy mean the world to me<3
i have some of the greatestt
frineds in the worldd:)
and yeahh they are wayy,
better than yourss:)
i'm the kindd of girll,
that can turnn your frownn
upsidee downn<3
i'm a veryy big people personn
i lovee meetingg new people,
so let's talk:)
- lauren ashleyy:)