Natalie profile picture


As we play on violins, guitars, and pianos, so the Universe plays on us

About Me

I go to UCSD where i will graduate to become just like my mother. I am exactly 5 foot, I like music and everything to do with it. I have the greatest friends in the world and I love all of them. I live in gangster town (Santa Ana) but right now I live in San Diego since I am attending UCSD---that means I'm a genius j/k. I like jokes, Del Taco, my car, 99 cent store, driving at night, american idol, sad movies, sleeping, asparagus, lucky charms, making memories on dvd, being happy, earth, christmas, parties with friends, toshias mom's mashed potatoes and salmon, going to friends house's, concerts, guitar, records, ice cream, pictures, get togethers, jordan almonds, Handburgers lol, friends, and things, I swear I'm LatinaI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Music and stuff...


The Cure, The White Stripes, Pulp, Clinic, Days Away, Tool, New Order, A Perfect Circle, A Static Lullaby, The Faint, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, The Scorpions, Poison, The Smiths and Morrissey, Billy Idol, Postal Service, The Pixies, Juliana Theory, Modest Mouse, Ace of Base, 5678's, Joan Jett, Skid Row, BRMC, Elvis Presley,Pat Benetar, Radiohead....and the music I make up in my head and humm.


Les Miserables, Pulp Fiction, Quills, Requiem For a Dream, Virgin Suicides, Life of David Gale, Blow, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Dogtown and Z-Boys, Riding Giants, The Notebook, Garden State, GIA, Girl Interrupted, The Goonies, Higher Learning, American History X, The Nightmare before Christmas.


American Idol, Lost, Desperate Housewives and of course...


The Catcher in the Rye, Caucasia


Slash and the coolest mother fuckers family! (at church????)

My Blog

Stuff and Things.....

"Who would do such a thing?" "Those Two" Spin the bottle, Sara dancing, Toilet papering Sara and Hiba's car, Hiding everyone's stuff, Writing on Matt and Carly, Sherina not wiping, The Sunrise...
Posted by Natalie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST