†VERITAS-A Fine Mess† profile picture

†VERITAS-A Fine Mess†

It's not about what you say it's about what you do.img src=http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n95/le

About Me

(this is all I want)........ "Happiness is a blissful feeling where each of our desires are met at the time we wish for them to happen. Where our pain is absent and our heart has no link missing. Where are feelings are elated and our hate is never belated."
First and foremost.....about me
†Today I feel different from yesterday....Cause I am constantly changing(thank god)...I want to be someones priority, I don't feel like I've EVER been someone's priority, I love little things in life way more than I love extravagent things...like taking a ridiculously hot shower and just laying on my couch, reading vogue, hanging out with my parents,just looking at the one I love and smiling(how fuckin corny am I?), moments like that mean everything to me. Trust is earned and not given and I make people jump through fuckin hoops to earn my trust. I am such a disaster but really so simple..I am a lot of bad things but more of great things. I am not looking for a boyfriend but a soulmate or maybe I am not even looking anymore,,I'm waiting for him to find me. I don't "hang out in clubs" I just take pictures when I go out, I don't really think you want to see me do normal things like grocery shop, or pump gas.. I am bitter, jaded, and resentful but I am full of love, and optimistic. Not until very recently did I discover that I should be my number one priority..and no one, no one in this world is worth YOUR piece of mind or a wasted day. I am sarcastic 100 percent of the time...I say asshole at least 100 times a day.Patience is a virtue and I'm really trying to learn it.I'm half of what you see and none of what you expect. I spell wierd wrong but I like my way better. Everyone thinks I'm like really angry but I probably laugh more than anyone you know!I love screamo and rock music so much but I secretly listen to 50 cent he's my boy! I believe that you can't ever give up on people you love ever...and if they give up on you well you need to fight for them and show them your love. I am just really intense I feel to the extreme whatever I'm feeling and honestly I wouldn't have it anyother way. It keeps me in check. I'm broken but fixable. I don't have a need to be friends with everyone..I LOVE who is in my life..in fact I live by the quote "the only people you need in your life are the ones who need you in theirs" I don't need anyone who doesn't need me or doesn't feel like a piece of them is missing without me around. I have a creative mind, one that doesn't stop, sometimes it's my worst enemy. I love lyrics more than anything. I love to write, design, and make something from nothing. I am the sassiest bitch you know. I cuss like a sailor...I can spit the comebacks out like a champ so if you want to stick around you better be able to keep up! I am a really hardworker at everything from my job to relationships I believe you can have it ALL if you want it and work for it. A perfectionist with a mild case of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Dancing is therapy for me. I don't cry alot and I think that's part of my problem. I love animals more than people. I have a soft spot for people who are in need, I feel like I always have to rescue them. I am a nurterer I like to take care of people that I love but I know what I need is someone to take care of me. I think arguing is extremely healthy in all relationships I am not the girl to keep my mouth shut, and I would never ever want someone I'm with to let me walk all over them, plus making up is the best..you should worry when you don't argue it means the love is gone. Mean, coniving people DISGUST me literally.. being mean on the inside makes you ugly on the outside...I hate when people don't like to see other people happy.My parents are my heroes I want exactly what they have,,,everything they've gone through in life has always been has a team, I think that's the key to a long lasting marriage. I am always always in it to win it! I can be a drama queen, whiny, high maintenance and god I will ask for the world from you but if you asked me to walk on water for you, I'd figure out a way to make it happen. Meaning you show me something real I will be the best thing to happen to you. Most of all I have no idea what's best for me I wing it everyday of my life, sometimes I wish I had a life coach. I fuck up constantly, I say things I shouldn't. I don't always show the people I love the most how much I really love them...but I'm a work in progress the people who really love me will always stand by me, cause they are the one's who really know who I am and believe in who I can be, no matter if I'm perfect or not. †
†It's hard for me to love and I'm impossible to love.†
†I love to write.†
†I am the happiest miserable person you've ever met....but isn't every creative person.†
†I chase my dreams not people.†
† My friends are the most important thing to me and I have a few really close ones..which I swear to god would knife any of you motherfuckers for, if you HURT any of them, no joke! :)†
† You mean everything to me.†
†I want to meet someone who can figure me out, you up for the challenge?†
†I am a dreamer and a believer†
†You think you know me? I assure you, you don't, I am far more complicated than you think†
†I don't need anyone to complete me I complete myself,I am NO ONE's possession.
†I have such a complicated mind it's a very love/hate relationship, it's in frequent wars with my heart has well.
†I believe everything in moderation is good but everything in excess is soooooo much funner†
†To any guy who's ever let me go all I have to say is you lose, game over..no second chances†
†I don't need you, you need me.†
† I always have faith in everything happens for a reason, otherwise I would have already killed myself I'm sure haha juussttt joking.†
†I never plan anything†
†but.... I have a general outline for everything†
†I have undiagnosed A.D.D. I swear I can't sit still for a minute†
†I hate boring..... boring anything, boring people, places, words, anything! I am doing 115 in a 30 mph zone.†
†I believe that TRUE LOVE conquers everything†
†I have a whole list of dreams that I will do and not just dream about†
†I've learned there aren't any fake people everyone is real you just need to meet the ones that value you enough to not be fake to you.†
†I have no REGRETS†
†I am always searching for more in life, I haven't decided if that's a good or bad thing†
†I do not and will never just SETTLE†
†I'm Adventrous and a free spirit,I'll do anything for a good laugh†
† I'm sooo obsessed with interesting people, people that intrigue me and people who basically say amazing things...things to make me think, I could talk about nothing for hours.†
†I am 24 going on 15†
†I always listen to my gut instinct, it's always right BUT then I always follow my heart†
†I live my life by quotes†
†I cannot live without music I need to listen to it so loud my ears are ringing for at least a hour after... at the very least†
†I'm waiting for EVERYTHING instead of just SOMETHING†
†I never say never†
†If I love you I will do ANYTHING for you, if I don't like you well you better watch the fuck out†
†I'm Random†
† Not only am I random...I'm weird the upbringing of being a only child I have a wild imagination. But I'm fun has hell.†
†I always surround myself with sarcastic, witty funny people if your hilarious you can be my best friend†
†I don't like holding onto things of "sentimental value" I feel like your living in the past wether you look at those things or not..I hold it all in my head and heart†
†I am like a 2 year old I pick up all sorts of words and phrases which I incorporate in my daily life and which make me talk like a 80's surfer/hoodrat/and valley girl all rolled up into one.†
†Someone told me once "you are one of those people that would take a lifetime to get to know" I loved it so much cause it sum's me up that is the most accurate way to describe me and my life, you simply may never have time.†
†There are lots of people you love in life I want to meet the one who INSPIRES me, then I'll know it's real†
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Do not get caught up always know who you are and what kind of person you want to be stay true to yourself, it's all you have.
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."- William Shakespeare
"I used to think life had a plan for me until i realized life had to be planned by me..."
Every asshole says they love someone...it doesn't matter, what matters is what you DO to the person you say you love."
"I will wash away your pain with all my tears And drown your fear"
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Desire me, Indulge in me, Suffocate me with your love, INFLICT me with your pain

My ride or die bitch...Friends since we were 5, she just always gets it. .. look mom!!! wait nevermind not this pic ^ next please.I'm in love with himI hate you thiiissss much!!!!! haha Rad I am totally double jointed ^

I'd like to meet:

"We ignore the ones who adore us.. Adore the ones who ignore us.. Love the ones who hurt us And hurt the ones that love us"
"Your more addicting then any drug I've ever had, sweeter then any joy I've ever tasted, The most beautful tragedy I could ever conjure, the best nightmare of my dreams. Nothing I have ever wanted and everything I have ever needed. The only one to make me so miserable but miserable makes me so happy. You've become my biggest fear but my only comfort. While everyone walks in black and white, you and I are running in red. Holding my hand so gently and sticking your dagger in my heart, the worst relationship with the best aftertaste." - By Me

"I will sell my soul for something pure and true Someone like you"
I'd like to meet someone along the lines of this guySomeone to fight with but not stay mad at, someone who is In love with menot just loves me, not my friend but my Best friend, not someone I canshare my dreams with but the one I can dream with, the only one to make mecry and the only who can make it better,someone who can scream at me butmake me laugh when I'm pissed,someone who is not rich but someone who hasgoals, apologizes when there wrong or right but just knows it's not worthit to see me upset,who looks at other girls but doesn't touch othergirls, someone who is protective over me but not insecure about what I'mdoing, when I'm upset you ask "who's ass am I kicking?",someone who isalways thinking about my feelings before thiers,someone who never takeslove for granted especially when someone picks you to give their love to,someone who can walk away from a fight but not walk away from us,someonewho doesn't need me but can't live without me, someone who realizes noone is promised tomorrow so love me like you may never see me againeveryday we're together, see now that I'm getting older I realize love isnot so cut and dry it's not you fucked up we're done..it's timeless, itdoesn't count wrongs or rights, love lives under any circumstance, it isnever between you, your friends and there friends but only between youand that person no one can tell you how to feel or what to feel and whento be done see love is really funny like that it's confusing but reallyso simple, the only thing that makes it confusing is to try and talkyourself out of your emotions...everything has a course and so doeseveryone, it all happens for a reason......The Most important one to me thoughis someone who realizes that just because someone loves you today andthey might forever does not mean they will still be with you tomorrowbecause there does come a point when sometimes love is just not enough.

"So slice open my veins and let the romance bleed away."
"Love is the most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares"- William Shakespeare

"confront past traumas to heal old scars and prove in the process that hope shines brighter than despair"

"The treasure is found within the broken hearts that are soaked with fear"

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as the pathway to peace."


"Hey God why are you doing this to me? am i not living up to what i'm supposed to be? why am i seething with this animosity? hey God i think you owe me a great big apology. terrible lie hey God i really don't know what you mean. seems like salvation come only in our dreams. i feel my hatred grow all the more extreme. hey God can this world really be as sad as it seems? terrible lie don't take it away from me. i need someone to hold on to. hey God there's nothing left for me to hide. i lost my ignorance, security and pride. i'm all alone in a world you must despise. hey God i believed your promises, your promises and lies. terrible lie you made me throw it all away. my morals left to decay. how many you betray. you've taken everything. terrible lie. my head is filled with disease. my skin is begging you please. i'm on my hands and knees. i want so much to believe. i need someone to hold on to. i give you everything. my sweet everything. hey God i really don't know who i am. in this world."-Terrible Lie

"Half smoked cigarettes and you're the trash that infests my sheets, don't want your skin on me And you're, you're addicted to the drug of lust Detoxing the cold sweat of shame and I love your painI gave you these roses now but I left in the thorns I'd rather hurt someone than hurt myself I'll dispose of you like a lighter out of fuel I'll lose you somewhere on a dusty shelfSo this love's been worn down, like songs on a tape The sex has lost all of its fun, like gum loses taste And you're, you're addicted to the drug of lust, Detoxing the cold sweat of shame and I love your pain"-Choke on this

& "It's so nice sitting very still, in a room where no one else can feel, the pain that breaks my heart each day I'm not ok. Sunlight shining through my window, let's me know that I'm still alive But why did I ever let you inside my heart? I'm such a fool. I paint my face in shades of blood and grey and take a seat right next to me But I should have known that you were a killer. But now I'm dead.A gaping hole, shot through my heart A lost connection from your poison dart Shot from your tounge to end my life. But If your Blowing at the fire to light your strife.You'll never know, The hardest thing about dying is, knowing you'll never see the light of day."-187

& "must be your skin that I'm sinking in,must be for real cause now I can feel,and I didn't mind, It's not my kind not my time to wonder why, everything's gone white and everythings grey, now you're here now your away, I don't want this remember that, I'll never forget where your at."-glycerine-

"You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines, you almost made me cry again this time, another false alarm, red flashing lights, well this time I'm not going to let myself die, I think I made it a game to play your game and let myself cry, I buried myself alive on the inside, So I could shut you out and let you go away for a long time."-buried myself alive

I will slap you up if you get out of line ;)


I love sunroofs


I don't read I dance........................


my future husband whoever that will be,,,, cause isn't he in for a surprise. ha ha

My Blog

refuse to settle.

IF A MAN WANTS YOU If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 07:47:00 PST

It is what it is..its not what its not

And all this time all I've been doing is searching for answers and not even enjoying the journey...my biggest downfall in my life is I need to know...I always need to know whats going on I hate u...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:06:00 PST

old about me

I am way to spontaneous for my own good,I'm a fuckin mess of a girl but I'm probably the funnest, most random, interesting girls you will ever meet I'm always down for anything that will be fun or mak...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:37:00 PST

Love...Question mark?

Why does it always seem like it's never enough, to much or it's never just right? Or the best question when is enough... enough? When in love I feel like our limits are endless.... Love is t...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 05:15:00 PST

Law of attraction...

There are times in your life when you feel like you will never get any lower well at least I know I have and if you haven't (I'm pretty sure your not human)then perspective pushes through and you real...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:38:00 PST

Just the thought.....

Funny how some people are so absolutely intent on putting themselves in a category because they want to belong to something...I was browsing peoples myspace's who I know and it's funny they have ...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:46:00 PST

Things dont fall apart they fall into place...

Things don't ever fall apart they fall into place...what a tough lesson learned this year. For every argument, failure, betrayal, disappointment, you would think all those words would make a negative ...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 07:29:00 PST

An unfortunate circumstance of my heart

The unfortunate circumstance being that I always follow it....my heart that is. Even when I know the decisions will not satisfy me in the long run...I am fully aware that I am the creator of my own mi...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 09:20:00 PST

Jump off the bandwagon assholes

Sooo I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and we were discussing basically a certain topic that we both basically just don't get and it GOT me thinking about the importance of it, &n...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:50:00 PST

beginnings and endings

When one chapter closes another opens ....or is that door?? ha ha Fuck if I remember either way I was reflecting today and have realized it has almost been a year since I started promoting and going o...
Posted by †VERITAS-A Fine Mess† on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:40:00 PST