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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am happy to say that I have gotten over the fact that my loving husband killed my cat. As Forest Gump would say.."That's all I have to say about that". I have decided that this year is all about self discovery. Opening your eyes and becoming comfortable with yourself and what you have acheived. I find that working full time, being a mother and wife I tend to over look important things and also take things for granted. Like instead of complaining that my husband is not romantic enough because I dont get flowers and cards. I have come to realize that as a grown up romance comes in a different form. For instance sometime the sweetest thing Sean can do is if I have had a really hard day at work he will say " I will take care of bath night" I know for those of you who don't have kids don't understand the magnitude of those words but one day you will. Another example warming my car up on a frosty winter morning. These are the things that I have come to reconize as romantic jestures. They may seem silly to the average person but call me a hopeless romantic but I think having another person who wants to do little things every day to make you smile is better that any vase full of roses. Not that I would turn down a bubble bath with candles and rose petels leading up to it, but if you know my history I would probably slip on the rose petels and fall in the bathtub ending up in the ER. This year I want to learn to live in the moment. I am the biggest worry wart around. Always wondering what might happen instead of enjoying today. Sean tells me that we are going to build a house this year so please put us in your prayers. We decorated a nursery together and it got UGLY! I can't imagine an entire house. That's ok, isn't that what medication is for?
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My Interests

I am a mother of two wonderful children and am lucky enough to be married to the love of my life. I love the mountains and anything connected to the south. I am a sucker for compliments and men who wear cologne.I can't stand people who use the race card and the government for a free ride in life. I don't understand how we can build a shuttle to go to the moon but we cant seem to find something to keep the aliens from crossing the borders.I feel that sex offenders and molesters should have their penis cut off and glued too their ears so if you walk up on one on the street you will know immediatlely.I beleive in freedom of speech but if you have anything negative regarding full figured women you should shut up. I am pro choice. I feel deeply that if you dont have a vagina you should'nt have an opinion. I feel that every one should have the right to marry weather you are gay or straight. Im sorry but if your life is so boring that you have to consume yourself with worry that gays on your block are getting married than you need to get a hobby. I am scared of heights, tall escalators, tops of buildings and really high roller coasters.I dont understand how being towed up to the top of a very large and very high wooden structure anticipating the extrememly high rate of speed you will be subjected to as you sail towards the ground only to be jerked upwards towards another hill over and over again...and my husband wonders why Im a chicken. No thank you I will just hold your coke and wait.