The aim of 'Teachers for Tigers' is to train environmental educators how to teach and inform target audiences on the need to conserve tigers. The core activity is a series of train-the-trainers workshops specifically on educating different target audiences on tiger conservation. A training manual was specially developed by the WCS head office in New York for this purpose. The programme was initially conducted in India, and then Malaysia, and will be implemented in other tiger range countries in the future. The first train-the-trainers workshop in Malaysia was held at Krau Wildlife Reserve, Pahang from 10th-15th January, 2005. A total of 40 wildlife rangers and environmental educators from the Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) in West Malaysia, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) and WWF Malaysia participated in the training session.
"The web of life": a game to show the important role of each species in the forest.
The workshop included lectures and practical activities on the ecological value of tigers, tigers in history and cultures, threats and issues facing tigers, tiger-human conflict and current research on tigers. We are grateful to the US State Depertment for the funding for this Workshop and to PERHILITAN for the workshop facilities. - Dipetik dari website WCS Malaysia -
Dari Abu Musa r.a., dari Nabi s.a.w. sabdanya :"Allah 'Azza wa Jalla membentangkan tangan-Nya pada malam hari untuk menerima taubat orang yang bersalah siang hari, dan membentangkan tangan-Nya siang hari untuk menerima taubat orang yang bersalah malam hari, sehingga matahari terbit di Barat."