*RARE BREEd* WELCOME 2 DiS CALi LiFE kUziN PoOchiE profile picture


if yur gonna keEp bitin' my STYLE u minus well CHOKE on IT..kEeP it CUTE oR put it on MUTE..SO kiKk

About Me

JAViS is the SLAVE name i was given & i refuse to answer to that!! if you call me javis i will know for sure that you truly do NOT know me..therefore i will disreguard you EVEN being in my presence..LMAOooOOOOo..on a real note though..call me jah..im currently in skewl in SUNNy SAN DiEGO..((boOoo))..but you wanna know sumthing??..i really like it cause there is just SO many things out there to learn its just iNCREDiBLE!!..so while im out tryna get mines, i just wanna ENCOURAGE all yall to get yuRs!!..i would go more into details about my personality but i'd be lying when i say i'm "REAL"..cause you know what??!!..im a NORMAL FAKE PERSON just like the next!!i LOVE to judge people & crack jokes on their family members!!i talk HEAPS of trash about people behind their back but im such an angel to their FACES..i SAVE people's flicks to my comp & print it out so i can throw darts at them..im just as UNREAL as they come buddy..the list goes on!!!..but what i can say is that im goOd at fakin' that im "REAL"..TRUST!!..i think the whole myspace community mastered it yah di99??..but why cant we co-exist together hugh??..why cant the "REALS" & the "FAkES" exist together??!!..one person dont like the next they go ahead and say "..YOUR FAKE.."!!..what is up with that!!??..why do people loOk down on us fakes??!!..it just boggles my mind..its a sick, disgusting, "REAL" world out there and if your views and opinions are indifferent your considered FAKE??!!..wow..if thats the case i'm pRoud to say that i'm FAKE...just dwell on that dummies..other than that im a mellow person..kikk RoXx DEUCES..PAYCE

My Interests

..MY iNSPiRATiON.. I now have a new respect for the soliders that have devoted thier entire lives to ensure the health and protection of civilians such as myself. To witness my twin brother graduate in Fort Sill, Oklahoma was the most liberating and life changing experience. I felt left behind knowing that my other half made such a huge decision, but on the contrary I knew it would only better his career and bring him one step closer to reaching his goals. Private Faletagloa, (TRUCE) I want you to know that i am proud of you and i only wish the best for you. Its hard to let go of that kindred truce spirit i once knew but seeing what youve become makes it all worth while. You've had a huge impact on my life and you motivated me to succeed. i Love you bro. And no matter how skilled you are know that i will always whoop yo ass.((jokes)) /fieldset

I'd like to meet:

his name is TYRONE and he lives accross me in APARTMENT 16..he seems to always be in our business being the nosey rosey person that he is..luv yah Ty TY...lmaoOo


WiLLA-SiSA & JAHjah'


The Legend of johnniie Lingo, SiioNes Wedding, MADEAS: FAMILY REUNION & cLaSs REUNION((the plays)) MEET THE bRoWnS, WHITE cH!x, bEyOnd PARADISE, ONCE WERE WARR!ORs((1&2)), 50 FIRST DATES, ADAM SANDLER MoViEs & MoRe 2 cOmE...


i wanna live in this woRld!!


chaucer's journey to canterburry..m!d eviL litereature...Xmen comic boOks..Mac Beth..and beauwulf


my heroes would have to be urry single person that ever did me wrong and made me shed wasted tears in the past...ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO HURT ME AND DID URRYTHANG IN THEIR POWER TO GET TO ME...ITS SAD BECAUSE AT TIMES IT WAS THE PERSON I LEAST EXPECTED IT TO BE..i always PRAY that god has mercy on them cause i know there time is gonna come slowly...and when it does come its gonnah come HARD..i hold no grudges towards these people because while they toss and turn at night im sound asleep...i thank you because it is the people like you that molded me into the strong and confident person i am today...

My Blog

inner versus outter BEAUTY

Society has many different concepts of beauty.  For instance, the women of Mauritania, an Islamic Republic, eat what ever it takes to put on a few pounds because the men find obesity attractive.&...
Posted by *RARE BREEd* WELCOME 2 DiS CALi LiFE kUziN PoOchiE on Fri, 23 May 2008 04:46:00 PST

motivation in the world

Motivation is a reason for action and provides purpose in human behavior.  What motivates a person to be successful?  Is it the goals they set, or the values they possess?  My mother on...
Posted by *RARE BREEd* WELCOME 2 DiS CALi LiFE kUziN PoOchiE on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:19:00 PST


Elections is comming up and yes i am going to vote.  I am going to vote for OBAMA!! Why you ask???...well not only is he from Hawaii but he is also anti-war.  I do not support this war on te...
Posted by *RARE BREEd* WELCOME 2 DiS CALi LiFE kUziN PoOchiE on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:39:00 PST