X-Box 360, cleaning, Nickelodeon Fruit Snacks, Philippine brand dried mangos, Swedish Fish, cooking, HALO! HALO! HALO!, GTA San Andreas, Galen, IsHMaEL PuPPeroO, coral reefs, accents (it's crazy stuff man...just think about it for a minute), painting, shopping on Ebay, playing pool, cars, sports (Cubs and NCAA basketball), UFC, reminiscing of past Simpsons' episodes and how it related to something that happened earlier today. Watching Conan O'Brien - he is so funny!
Anything I can karaoke to, of course.
Memoirs of a Geisha, Rush Hour, Karate Kid ("Daniel Larusso is going to fight? DANNY LARUSSO IS GOING TO FIGHT!"), My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Finding Nemo, Back to the Future I and II ("What's with the life preserver?"), Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Poltergeist I. I can't think of anymore off the top of my head. I love movies!!
PRISON BREAK, My Boys, The Cosby Show, House Hunters, Flip This House, Antiques Roadshow, Gray's Anatomy, Animal Precinct, My Boys, Animal Cops Detroit, 90210, Simpsons, Friends, Jeopardy!, Trauma: Life in the E.R., Jackass, Fresh Prince, King of Queens, Trading Spouses, Nanny 911, Planet's Funniest Animals, AFV, CSI: Las Vegas, Check, Please!, Nip/Tuck, anything on Food Network. Family Guy, Fox News, CSPAN. gosh I watch a lot of tv. seriously. The list goes on and on. You turn on the tv, I watch - eyes glazing over.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Any V.C. Andrews books, Physician's Desk Reference 2008, Harry Potter Series. DaVanci Code. Memoirs of a Geisha.
Lapu-Lapu and Princesa Bulakna.