RaSmAn profile picture



About Me

Seven a.m. The garbage truck beaps as it backs up. And I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away. Could I push rewind? The credits traverse, signifying the end. But I missed the best part. Could we please go back to start? Forgive my indecision. Then again, you're always first when no one's on your side. But then again, a day will come when I want off that ride. Eleven a.m. By now you would think that I would be up. But my bedsheets shade the heat of choices I've made. And what did I find? I never thought I could want someone so much. Cause now you're not here and I'm knee deep in that old fear. Forgive my indecision. I am only a man.

My Interests

FooTbaLL, FutSal, MoVieS, MagiZineS, LatesT GAdgets,ShoPPinG,MeeTinG FrenS,OnlINe..aND MusiC of CouRsE..

I'd like to meet:

AlL My FrIenDs


ANyThinG FrOm R&b To Hip HoP, From TranCe aNd HoUsE GrOove To EasY ListeN,FroM FunK to BluEs, From RocK to AlterNatiVes....LiKe theY Said No MuSic No LiFe!!!


GodFather TrilogY, LOTR TriLogY, SwoRDFish, ScarFaCe, BloW, NoTTing HiLL, BeaUtiFuL MinD,JeRRy BUcKhemIeR's FilMs,MeeT JoE BlaCk, GooDFeLLas,FacE OFF...acTuaLLy TheRe A LoT of GooD MOvies To MentioneD..


FrIends,ThaT 70's Show, BanD Of BrotheRs, Reality ShowS AnD LIVE SocceR MatCH


i DuN NeEd nO Heroes...Me MYself Is hErO..:P