Theres 15 people who mean the absolute world to me no matter what.
Chelsea Cansler.
Morgan Vann.
Brittany Harrison.
Raegan Curles.
Nikki Jordan.
Jacob Bryant.
Jesse Willard.
Eric Devine.
Tj Barlow.
Sean Getek.
Travis Carlton.
Kara Tempelton.
Robby Windham.
Travis Bowles.
Ryan Hunter.
As i lay dying
Waking the cadaver
Preschool tea party massacre
Bring me the horizon
The Chariot
With blood comes cleansing
Damien Marley.
Bob Marley.
Between the buried and me
Drop dead gorgeous
Evergreen terrace
Crime mob.
Next friday.
Harold and Kumar go to white castle.
Deriot rock city.
Cheech and Chong.
This is no longer my books section.
It's now my bodyguard section.
And Bj Stinson just happens to be him.
He is partically a brother to me in some weird creppy once insest way. We partically lived together for the longest time cause of my still best friend kristen even though we never hang out:] bj is great and pretty much doesnt put up with crap people give me and i would take a bullet for him. ily bj3
Tony Cervantes and Steve Irwin