Hipster Doofus profile picture

Hipster Doofus

From Tornadoes to Hurricanes....

About Me

After years and years of living here and there, chasing snowstorms and tornados, I have finally returned to the beach. I am re-discovering lost hobbies, like surfing and fishing. As a family, the girls and I are having a blast exploring a new area. We are finally ready to put down our roots and stay for a while.

My Interests

My girls rule my life. We have fun and like to play. The weather. Don't ask me about the weather unless you are prepared for along drawn out answer. I can drone on and on and on about the weather. I like to build stuff. In Oklahoma I have built a stone patio; added a garage, a new tv room and a big bathroom to our home. Here in South Carolina we bought a new house... and I have been instructed to leave it alone. I did get a chance to build a shed, and that has kept me happy. I also like to grow my own food. My garden grows year round. I hope someday to raise chickens again, but I guess I should discuss this with my neighbors first.

I'd like to meet:

Friends I haven't seen in years. Others passionate about the weather.

My Blog

Spam Time

Anyone want a nice car? I am selling my not so kid friendly convertible. If interested, check it out at:   http://members.cox.net/thejohnson15/sebring.html   Could this have been our last ga...
Posted by Hipster Doofus on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 05:14:00 PST

It's Here!

The cold has arrived.... now, if this was a normal winter, this cold snap would be nothing to get excited about. It is only going to last two days, and lows will only get into the teens, plus no snow ...
Posted by Hipster Doofus on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 05:37:00 PST

Cooling Down

There's a chill in the air. It feels a bit like fall with the first cool snap heading our way. I was hopeful that a change in the weather pattern would bring some moisture back to the state, but it lo...
Posted by Hipster Doofus on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 06:23:00 PST

The Groundhog Always Sees Shadow

Back in 1996 I took Susan on a surprise trip to Punxsutawney on Groundhog Day to pop the question... a very "meteorologist" thing to do. I got her up at 4am, dragged her out in the -2 degree cold and ...
Posted by Hipster Doofus on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 05:50:00 PST

Trying to Blog

I know I'm gonna try this, then slack off and not post much. I think if I post during my down times at work, I can get into a routine and post each week.   Another extreme fire danger day i...
Posted by Hipster Doofus on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 06:10:00 PST