the mad ones
Lost in Translation
Motorcycle Diaries
Everything is Illuminated
Baraka etc.
Waking Life
The Science of Sleep
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Les Triplettes de Belleville
also 60's film and frence new wave. michel brault and claude jutra.
those of Micheal Ondaatje, Chekov, Jeanette Winterson, Milan Kundera, Vladimir Nabokov, Margaret Atwood...
Tagore, Rimbaud, Poe, Neruda, Paz, Lorca, Siken, St. John Perse, Bukowski, Plath & so many others
at this particular moment reading: On the Road, Winter of Artifice, The Infinite Jest, Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda, The Divine Comedy, Stitch n' Bitch as well as ongoing Plath, Ginsberg, Neruda and Berryman & Guevara writings... yes, i do have enough thought room for all these all the time, these days
the small things count too much.