volleyball, walking, reality television shows...
Karen hughes...she is my hero of being active in politics but keeping her faith and family first! (she works for W if you don't know her.)Dawson McAllister...truly a man that changed my life in my walk with Christ. His summer camps when i was a youth have an impact even now on my life. He just spoke no nonsense truth. He busted through the crap that we always try to feed!! You can check him out here!
Christian anything....okay maybe not the really hard stuff...but most anything else!Country....honestly i love music. But i have to be extremely careful about what i listen to...music is my passion and i find that what i hear through music affects me drastically. Plus, I will sing it constantly from that point on. so i try to live with the motto of no garbage in so no garbage comes out!!!
Mona Lisa Smiles, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman,
here is where i have the garbage problem!!!Grey's Anatomy (shout out to my girls) Survivor Big Brother Apprentice Road Rules Road Rules/Real World Challenge....do you see a trend here....i am sucked in by reality television
10 minutes from Normal, Whispers of Hope,
my dad....love him!! my mom...she raised us to think for ourselves and to deal with our own issues. Today parents so quickly react and answer for their children instead of teaching them how to stand on their own...thanks mom!! my sister...now that i am a mom, i see just how easy she makes it look to raise twins! Now i know it is NOT as easy!! she never complains and is an AWESOME mom! if only i can be half as good as her!Karen Hughes...see above in who i would like to meet. Dawson McAllister/Mark Matlock...both of these men have shaped my christian walk because they have taught the bible!!! spoke the truth and didn't sugar coat it because of my age (when i was a youth!)biblically...David...such a sinful man but still considered a man after God's own heart...that is pretty awesome, huh? Screwed up but got his heart back right and served the Lord...