drop me a line:psalmofsirens
drop me a line:psalmofsirens
amusement parks, ancestry, ancient Egypt, animals, art, autumn, behind the scenes, catalogues, the city, cosmetology, couture makeup, crafts, crests, cultures, decades, designs, dialect, drawing, dreams, elders, embroidery, the End Times, eyes, fads, foreign countries, funny commercials, genetics, ghosts, graffiti, Greek mythology, haircuts, heraldry symbols, Hollywood, hotel parties, the internet, inventions, Italy, Japan, languages, live music, magazines, the Middle Ages, painting, people, perfume samples, personalities, photos, pop-culture, prophecy, psychology, random facts, rollercoasters, shrinky-dinks, silkscreening, sims, special effects, the brendan leonard show, the supernatural, technology, traits, t-shirts, unique names, yearbooks, your myspace
(fan before he fronted a band)
28 Days Later, A Bronx Tale, A League of Their Own, Big Fish, Dawn of the Dead, The Day After Tomorrow, Edward Scissorhands, The Goonies, Grease, Hercules, Interview With the Vampire, The Lord of the Rings, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sleepy Hollow, Super Size Me, Thirteen, Titanic, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
E!, My Life on the D-List, Taboo, Tribal Life, True Life, The Twilight Zone, VH1
The Great Book of Optical Illusions, Fruits