Ninny profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello Myspace Its only right for me to properly inform you of who I am. My name is Brittany but am also known as Bert (a lil nick name that I picked up). I am apart of a great flag team "Silk Psi" and band "Henrico Marching Band" both I love dearly. The other LOVES of my life are Tiara D., J.T.B.D^2 (they know how they are), and My MAIN JANK. I love being out with the silks or just close friends. I just got two new editions to the family one who is on my page my baby Dutchess and her sister Kayla Cole. If theres anything else you want to know about me dont be to proud to ask.... Thanks for sstopping by the page and showing me love.........

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Love used to take me …there%D%AThere where I once was with… them %D%AThem the ones that decided love was never gonna be…enough%Dnough should have been, should still be but its …not%D%ANot you its me , its not your fault we juss don’t …connect%Donnect like I am thinking we are, like I thought we …had%D%AHad dreams of us, what we were gonna do, our…future%Duture has become irevelant if we can…barely…survive …in the ...present%D%APresent-ly in love with you… by itself hasn’t taken me there it was… You

My Blog


Hypothetically... Hypothetically, we were back together, would we have doubts of breaking up? Hypothetically, if the tables were turned would the out come be the same as they are now? Hypothetically, ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 01:07:00 GMT

My Heart Wasn't Made To Break!!!!!!!!!

My heart wasn't made to break. So why do I lend my heart out just for it to be riped out and stepped on. Is it me or do my mind play tricks on me. When I think things are good withthin the blink of a...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 22:21:00 GMT