Son of Python profile picture

Son of Python

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About Me

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My Interests

I am really into comic books, music, movies, and books. Also politics, it's fascinating to watch a small group of aging men flush the world down the toilet.

I'd like to meet:

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Flogging Molly, TooL, Johnny Cash, System of a Down, Dean Grey's American Edit, Tori Amos, Almost is Nothing, Avenged Sevenfold, Isis, Deltron 3030, Gorillaz, Iron Maiden, Loretta Lynn, MC Chris, Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies, Queen, The Rolling Stones, The White Stripes, Andre 3000, Otis Redding, Blondie, Elvis Costello, Journey, Pink Floyd, the list goes on...............


King Kong (1933 & 2005), The Godfather Trillogy, Kill Bill vol 1 & 2, Army of Darkness, Evil Dead 1 & 2, cheesy horror, anything by Kurosawa, Besson, and Kevin Smith, Star Wars, Aliens, Boogie Nights, once again just too damn many


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The Dark Tower series, Planetary, anything by Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis, lets see who else. Love Chuck Palahniuk, Joe Lansdale, Dave Eggers, jeez, is that it, how pathetic


this kid is my hero