Something New |
So recently some of my friends went swing dancing, something completely random, so it seemed for one of the kids, but after talking to him and goofing around, I realized I want to try some new th... Posted by on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 19:03:00 GMT |
Music |
So i am getting an Ipod on Monday, and I am quite excited but I must call on you guys, my friends to help, I need new music, I have been listening to the same stuff for months and as great a... Posted by on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 18:16:00 GMT |
Time |
I won't be myself for the next few days, maybe weeks. I am trying to catch up, trying to get back into the swing of things, but until I do you are all on your own, right now is Amy time and that is ho... Posted by on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 21:29:00 GMT |
Comment Whore |
WOULD YOU?[_] go out with me?[_] give me your number?[_] kiss me?[_] let me kiss you?[_] watch a movie with me?[_] let me take you out to dinner?[_] let me drive you somewhere[_] take a shower with me... Posted by on Mon, 25 Jul 2005 21:48:00 GMT |
Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know, |
why do my predictions have to come true
why can't my heart be right for once
instead of my head
i made it clear to not do this
my heart was not supposed to get involved
It was more the idea t... Posted by on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 20:11:00 GMT |
Will anyone come along for the ride? |
Will anyone come see the play i am working this week? I do not promise it will be good or you will be fully entertained, but i do promise you will get your moneys worth (it is free) and i promise you ... Posted by on Sun, 17 Jul 2005 21:29:00 GMT |
and if you care to find me look to the western sky |
So basically i just updated my dead journal with recent on goings go there if you wish.
I don't like bullitens but these things are sweet so they are getting posted here
12 ways to get a girls h... Posted by on Thu, 07 Jul 2005 14:51:00 GMT |
so...Yay |
So i will eventually do a real update on ethier this or my journal when i have real free time...aka spring break.
But good news... I have a Prom Date :-)
So is it a bad thing that i kinda of want t... Posted by on Mon, 07 Mar 2005 16:38:00 GMT |
Extreme Happy Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Yayness! Posted by on Tue, 08 Feb 2005 20:01:00 GMT |
and we talked about leaving town ...again |
Going to richmound this weekend. I'm leaving saturday morning and will be sometime monday night. It costs a ton to talk to poeple from up there on my phone so text only. I'm so happy to be getting out... Posted by on Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:45:00 GMT |