Member Since: 28/12/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Nick Zero on the chalkboard.
Tone on the keys.
Cut on the Wheels
Pseudo Intellectuals
Influences: vizz, mingus, monk, bookchin, birr evans, belly, sophie, tori, dragon, tone, cut, derr bear, burger king, Eternal Sunshine, Jeru, Karmic Repercussions. lafontaine, mogilny, housley, fuhr, bure, NHL2K series, Halo 2 and 3, bboy depree, ryan mcnerdy, verve, no money, pocket lint, video cameras, evyn, joey, tara, sleepy, baby factories,, hockey tshirts, kurosawa, mifune, marijuana, peter parker, salinger, myself. bud powell, bud powell, bud powell. bio shock, mona, mpc, piano players getting shot, cops (tv show), daniel day lewis, kirsten dunst, arrested development. YALT. Winslow. H to the C. oh. Bawesome. Beneath the Underdog. the amoeba baby. agent mulder. dr scully. GTA IV.
Sounds Like: we've been waiting for this for a long time.
Record Label: Lo Do Industries