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About Me

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my name is rosanna and i totally LOVE tracy chai..
i am a japanese-tainted chinese girl.
i go to a boarding school in ojai.
im gullible and naive.
i only stay mad for a maximum of like, 30 minutes.
i laugh at jokes even when i dont find them funny.
i procrastinate too much.
i talk a lot.
i suck at telling stories.
i love kost 103.5. EXCEPT when they play weird christmas shit all month long in December
i love pasadena.
i stare if i think you're pretty.
im weird.
my name spelled backwards is annasor.
i lied. im not REALLY 5'8 YET. im like. 1/4 of an inch short. but really, who cares?
i've never gone to Disneyland with a boyfriend.
i want a boy who will make my heart flutter and my face flush and my brain stop fuctioning

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My Interests

I love to shop.
and I love lomography.
uhm.... and like to buy books with pretty pictures on the cover......
and i like to look at ugly ppl porn. JK! there's actually ugly ppl porn! yeah, so go google it. im so not kidding.

I'd like to meet:

hi. so ur pretty much amazing.




white chicks


america's next top model!
anything on fox


time traveler's wife
